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Questions tagged [transverse-mercator]

The transverse Mercator map projection is an adaptation of the standard Mercator projection.

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How to interpret inputs to General Oblique Transformation in proj?

I am trying to use the General Oblique Transformation to create a projection that is a rotated Oblique Mercator ... but I cannot for the life of me figure out what on earth that thing is doing. I ...
Ajean's user avatar
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Offset after georeferencing of an old maritime map of Quebec

For some time, I have been trying to georeference an old map of Quebec. On photo 1, there is the indication on the projection. Map from 1936-1937, with small corrections in 1946 I use the coordinate ...
timothe_aug's user avatar
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Transform latitude and longitude to Transverse Mercator

I would like to transform point in WGS84 lat lon to Transverse Mercator: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=114 +k=1 +x_0=-49099.65399999998 +y_0=-2544749.4072 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs I could easily ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Meridian Convergence in UTM and Gauss Kruger Projection system?

There are points where geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) are known. I have calculated the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection coordinates of these points and then I want to ...
Sun's user avatar
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"Unknown datum" opening GRS80 Transverse Mercator in R

I am working with a shapefile (available here as a 15MB ZIP) with a projection defined as follows: GEOGCS["GCS_GRS_1980",DATUM["D_GRS_1980",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,...
max norton's user avatar
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Transverse Mercator Projection formula for WGS84 to UTM zone40N (32640)

I want to convert Lat Long (in WGS84) to UTM zone40N (EPSG::32640) in Excel. So I'm creating a macro for it by following the EPSG Guidance Note 7, part 2. I'm following the JHS Formula for Transverse ...
Tayyab Mir's user avatar
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QGIS 3 and Southern Hemisphere, Transverse Mercator Projection - Schwarzeck

Working with QGIS Desktop 3.4.12 with GRASS 7.6.1 (Long Term Support) The following process: New Project > CRS = WGS84 Add 2 x shapefile WGS84 layers (From
Jaco V's user avatar
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Converting NZTM2000 projection to Lat-Long system using PHP

Is there a way to convert coordinates from New Zealand Transverse Mercator to Google compatible longitude and latitude using PHP? I have tried PHP-COORD library, but it does not have the NZTM option.
Darty's user avatar
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Projecting Irish TM65 to ITM95 in ArcGIS 10.6

Some years ago I created a polygon coverage of Wexford Harbour in Ireland by tracing a rectified aerial image of the harbour using ArcGIS. Four tic points on the imagery were known locations; their ...
BrianC's user avatar
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1 answer

What parameters do azimuthal and transverse cylindrical projection in secant case have as proj4 string

conical equal-area projection, secant case has e.g. +proj=aea +lat_1=... +lat_2=... +lon_0=... +lat_0=... +x_0=... +y_0=... etc... I would ask if there is such thing, for transverse cylindrical ...
Khaled's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Relation between scale factor and standard meridians/parallels

Let's use transverse Mercator with a custom zone, with central meridian 30, the zone is 3 degrees wide at the equator, with a scale factor k=1, it means that the cylinder touching the spheroid along ...
user9322960's user avatar
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State Plane Scale Factor in WKT

I need to convert an old-style projection file (created with Global Mapper) to a WKT format for use in my GIS program (ArcMap or GDAL or whatever). The problem is that my old-style projection file ...
Burrow's user avatar
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How can I change projection of a co-ordinate?

I want to convert a known co-ordinate which is in UTM projection to transverse mercator projection. I know the central meridian, scale factor, false easting, false northing value. Can someone give me ...
Shahidul Islam's user avatar
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From transverse mercator to lat lon

Based on following information: Size is 1200, 1400 Coordinate System is: PROJCS["unnamed", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137, 298.257223563, ...
Alessio Frabotta's user avatar
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1 answer

Extract lat/long from GeoTIFF with Mercator CRS

I have a GeoTIFF file and with gdalinfo command I found the following info: Size is 1200, 1400 Coordinate System is: PROJCS["unnamed", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", ...
Alessio Frabotta's user avatar
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1 answer

Open Basemap in different Projection (Transverse Mercator) - QGIS

I have data in a transverse Mercator projection which is a different projection from my base map (Spherical Mercator / Web Mercator / pseudo-Mercator). I really would like to create a map in a TM ...
ePascoal's user avatar
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