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Questions tagged [true-curves]

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2 answers

Keeping curves intact while modifying geometry in an UpdateCursor

I am trying to modify some lines in ArcGIS Pro, shifting the Start vertex to coordinates in a pair of fields in the layer attributes. My arcpy script works... almost. import arcpy aprx =
Midavalo's user avatar
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QGIS converting MultiPolygon to MultiSurface - can I disable QGIS from doing this?

I have MultiPolygon data stored in a PostgreSQL DB (13.9) and am editing this through QGIS (using 3.28.3-Firenze). Occasionally when editing, some features are saved back as MultiSurface features. ...
G_BOP's user avatar
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QGIS - buffer as curve polygon

Background We're often exchanging spatial data between QGIS and AutoCAD. Some things are more easily done in GIS, while precise drawings need to be done in CAD. Generally the interchangeability ...
Erik's user avatar
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Converting multipart polygon geometry with true curves to single parts loses true curves using ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro

I ran some test code below which creates four feature classes in a test geodatabase using ArcPy geometries in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.2: MultiPartPolyGeom has one multipart polygon with two parts (one a 3-...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Conditionally skip field calculation for certain rows

Regarding the field calculator in the ArcGIS Pro 2.9 attribute table (Python): Is there a way to skip calculating a certain record, if certain conditions are met in the script? For example, if the ...
User1974's user avatar
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Some features have curves and were ignored using Split features tool of ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have a river buffer (polygon) that I want to split using Split features. The cutting feature is municipality borders. When I use the tool, it says: Some features have curves ...
gremol's user avatar
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Select rows using Python? (without creating a new field or table)

ArcMap 10.7.1 — Oracle 18c SDE.ST_GEOMETRY — Polyline FC Occasionally, we come across scenarios where we want to select rows in a FC in the attribute table, but there isn't a way to run the query ...
User1974's user avatar
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Determining if polyline has true curve using ArcPy with ArcMap

I'm using ArcPy with ArcMap 10.7.1. I want to densify SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polylines if (and only if) the polylines have true curves. If I were using ArcPy with the latest version of ArcGIS Pro (instead of ...
User1974's user avatar
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Editing vertex without removing true curves using ArcPy

ArcMap 10.7.1 — Oracle 18c SDE.ST_GEOMETRY I have a polyline FC that has true curves. And I have an ArcPy script that updates the M-values of the vertices in the lines: import arcpy connection = &...
User1974's user avatar
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Determine if a SDO_GEOMETRY line has true curves

Oracle 18c I have an SDO_GEOMETRY table that I created via ArcGIS Desktop 10.7.1. The table has a line that appears to have a true curve in it: However, in a related question, @Vince pointed out that ...
User1974's user avatar
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How to create a classic sand snail using PostgreSQL/PostGIS?

I would like to be able to create a classic sand snail shape using a query or SQL function, similar that shown in the picture below but with smoother curves. The direction of unwinding/twisting of ...
Cyril Mikhalchenko's user avatar
7 votes
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Where are the WKT types CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE etc actually defined?

I'm trying to find the actual definition of the curve types supported by PostGIS in WKT. PostGIS's documentation refers to the " SQL Multimedia Applications Spatial specification": The SQL ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
2 votes
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Removing sharp curves using ArcPy

I have been trying for some time to find a way to eliminate the exaggerated curves in a contour curve that I usually obtain from line 0. The idea is to obtain a polyline that is more or less faithful ...
pyGisServer's user avatar
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What densification method does SDE.ST_Geometry use to approximate arcs as segments?

Oracle 18c; ArcGIS 10.7.1 I have an SDE.ST_Geometry polyline FC that has arcs. In a related post, we established that true arcs/curves are only available to ArcObjects, whereas the actual geometry ...
User1974's user avatar
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Why does SDE.ST_NUMPOINTS() add extra vertices for lines with arcs?

Oracle 18c/10.7.1 EGDB: I have a polyline FC with a feature that has an arc. I want to count the number of vertices in the line using the SDE.ST_NUMPOINTS() function. select sde.st_numpoints(...
User1974's user avatar
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Does SDE.ST_LENGTH() calculate the true length of arcs?

Oracle 18c/10.7.1 EGDB I have a polyline FC that has features with arcs. Does the Oracle SDE.ST_LENGTH() function calculate the true length of arcs? Or does it only calculate the straight-line length ...
User1974's user avatar
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Select SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polylines that have arcs?

Oracle 18c/10.7.1 EGDB: I have an SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polyline feature class. Some of the polylines in the feature class have arcs. Question: Is there a way to use Oracle SDE.ST_GEOEMTRY functions to ...
User1974's user avatar
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Get the measure M along a CircularStringM in PostGIS without first converting to a LineStringM

I've been struggling to get PostGIS 2.5 to run any linear referencing functions on geometry containing curves (CircularStringM, CompoundCurveM for example). Is it possible to get the measure M along ...
Rayner's user avatar
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Does ArcGIS support curves in geopackage?

When I export a featureclass to a geopackage (with spatial type 'geopackage') in ArcGIS 10.4, true curves are densified to lines consisting of many short straight segments. Is this a shortcoming of ...
Berend's user avatar
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Edit KML lines in Illustrator or getting smooth curves

I have a problem, when I'm making my traces in an application like Google Earth, I can't make smooth curves, only straight line. So I thought maybe I should export the trace to Illustrator then ...
Warry's user avatar
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Unable to find Arc/Curve tool in QGIS? [duplicate]

I am trying to digitize curved roads in QGIS but cannot find the right tool. I want somthing like end point arc segment in arcmap as shown in figure below.
Hafiz Muhammad Shams Ul Haq's user avatar
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Does QGIS support true circular curves? [duplicate]

As a land surveyor, I often bring cad data into a GIS and create polygon representing parcels. Traditional tools I have for cleaning topology are inappropriate so I am looking for something different ...
Land Surveyor's user avatar
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Converting vertexed curve into true curve using ArcGIS Desktop?

I'm looking for a method for reshaping parcel polygons in large-scale database. I am dealing with cadastral data as shown in the picture and I need to convert the vertexed curves to true curves to ...
otba shaqareen's user avatar
5 votes
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Can true curves be copied into Spatialite from ArcGIS Desktop?

Inspired by a question that was asked earlier today about curves in a Spatialite database. I haven't been able to find any documentation online about whether a Spatialite database can store true ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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Making circular polygon in QGIS?

I am trying to make a floor plan for my office, have managed to make all of the rectangular components (e.g. the rooms) however some of the desk layouts are circular and I haven't been able to work ...
Peter B's user avatar
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Generating true curve elliptical polygons in file geodatabase using ArcPy?

As background, this question arose from trying to answer a question on How to generate overlapping polygons from lines output from Table To Ellipse tool? Using the ArcMap 10.1 GUI it is very easy to ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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WGS84 to BC Albers reprojection loses curved lines using QGIS

I am trying to learn a bit about QGIS. I thought I would drop in some layers of my Province and then recreate some points representing the BC Albers Central Meridian, and the two standard parallels. ...
sean2me's user avatar
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