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Conditionally skip field calculation for certain rows

Regarding the field calculator in the ArcGIS Pro 2.9 attribute table (Python): Is there a way to skip calculating a certain record, if certain conditions are met in the script? For example, if the ...
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Editing vertex without removing true curves using ArcPy

ArcMap 10.7.1 — Oracle 18c SDE.ST_GEOMETRY I have a polyline FC that has true curves. And I have an ArcPy script that updates the M-values of the vertices in the lines: import arcpy connection = &...
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What densification method does SDE.ST_Geometry use to approximate arcs as segments?

Oracle 18c; ArcGIS 10.7.1 I have an SDE.ST_Geometry polyline FC that has arcs. In a related post, we established that true arcs/curves are only available to ArcObjects, whereas the actual geometry ...
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Why does SDE.ST_NUMPOINTS() add extra vertices for lines with arcs?

Oracle 18c/10.7.1 EGDB: I have a polyline FC with a feature that has an arc. I want to count the number of vertices in the line using the SDE.ST_NUMPOINTS() function. select sde.st_numpoints(...
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Does SDE.ST_LENGTH() calculate the true length of arcs?

Oracle 18c/10.7.1 EGDB I have a polyline FC that has features with arcs. Does the Oracle SDE.ST_LENGTH() function calculate the true length of arcs? Or does it only calculate the straight-line length ...
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Select SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polylines that have arcs?

Oracle 18c/10.7.1 EGDB: I have an SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polyline feature class. Some of the polylines in the feature class have arcs. Question: Is there a way to use Oracle SDE.ST_GEOEMTRY functions to ...
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