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Questions tagged [value-list]

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GetFeatureInfo value_list converting long numbers to rounded exponents

I have a multiband GeoTIFF that I'm serving up as a WMS. Doing a GetFeatureInfo request works fine, except for the ID of the pixel, which is the first band. Somehow MapServer is converting the 10 ...
user1545897's user avatar
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Is it possible to select multiple selections from different categories in a value relation drive down list?

I have used the following instructions to create a drive down list in the 'value relation' widget to allow a category to be selected in one attribute which filters the options in another. This has ...
Laura Bennett's user avatar
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All values entered using fields with a list of values are transformed into (0)

All values entered using fields with a list of values are transformed into (0) how can we find back the selected values, we lost a lot of work and can't find backups.
E.S17's user avatar
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2 answers

Extracting attributes list with unique values from QGIS Attribute table

How can be extracted and exported a list of all single values without duplicates from the column of an attribute table (e.g. "formations" column values of an attribute table of a vector ...
SirB1's user avatar
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List longitude and latitude pairs in a netCDF file

Is there a command line tool/solution (like cdo or nco or gdal or rio) to list/print the pairs of (longitude, latitude) values in a netCDF file (yet not one of: netcdf4-python, rio, xarray, rioxarray, ...
Nikos Alexandris's user avatar
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Adding value list (domain) to an ArcGIS Online feature layer with Public account

I need to add an item list (fish species e.g.) to an ArcGIS Online feature layer. I have a Public account, am the owner of the layer and have tried to follow the documentation:
beachboy's user avatar
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Using ModelBuilder to create list with all feature classes in geodatabase

The goal of what I am trying to achieve is to get a list of all feature classes in every dataset in my geodatabase. Through following blow URL I could successfully achieve result for one dataset level....
Hilal Al-Rajhi's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding values in value list by typing part of the value in QField

In QField you have to select a values from drop down value list by scrolling to the desired value. When the value list is very long it would be very helpful if you could enter only a part of the value ...
Sebastiaan Bakker's user avatar
6 votes
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Listing all EPSG projections to serve it on the client side

I am building a web app that allows user to convert and reproject their spatial data and then download it. I am using Flask and ogr2ogr to achieve this. Now, I want to give users a list of EPSG ...
DrJacoby's user avatar
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Making dropdown in ArcMap tool where each item links to spreadsheet?

The script below imports a spreadsheet into ArcMap and generates a shapefile. Currently, I can use the ArcMap tool that interfaces with the script to navigate to the spreadsheet I want to import. This ...
SarahKelley's user avatar
1 vote
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Using the results of geoprocess function in another geoprocess function

I have a list to hold the iterated results of running arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer and 'arcpy.CopyFeatures` geoprocesses. selectList = [] fip = '13245' for fc in featureclasses: select = arcpy....
gwydion93's user avatar
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Comments not getting saved in layer attribute

I have to send the shp files for the filling of the attributes to the field agents. To clarify the type of attribute to be collected I want to provide details in comment column of the Fields in Layer ...
Sumit's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to read a raster value table (VAT) in QGIS? [duplicate]

By default, QGIS does not seem to recognize "Value Tables" (VAT) the way ArcGIS does. So far I cannot find a way to represent the pixel values discretely, or apply a "legend" to the layer. Is there ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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Sum new values to existing attribute values in PyQGIS?

I'm trying to sum new values from a list in one loop to the existing attribute values (not in a new column, but in the exiting attribute values itselfs). def radiusDivider(dist): try: itlayer = ...
Nico's user avatar
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Update field's rows with a value of dictionary

I'm new in programming and I'm struggling with my code. I have a dictionnary of districts and communities for each, like this: MyDict = defaultdict(<type 'set'>, {u'DISTRICT': set([u'community1'...
Alexis's user avatar
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Connecting GetParameterAsText with Pick List?

I am sitting here already awhile and can't find an answer on my own. I actually have pretty much the same Problem which was already asked (MultiValue-String to SQL Expressions). But mine is more ...
GISlena's user avatar
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Creating a list of Rasters from another list of Rasters based on file name?

in Arcpy trying to create a subset of rasters from a list of rasters. Basically the idea, run arcpy.ListRasters on a geodatabase, check all raster names for a user input value, then add those rasters ...
Lists's user avatar
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Extract value from Polygon to Grid?

Can I extract value from a polygon that contains countries to Grid polygons that I have created?
GIS Kosovo's user avatar
3 votes
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Python multivalue list to script

I have some scripts that make symbology for different layers in my TOC. And now I want to merge them into one big script which should have parameters chosen by user to start certain part of script. ...
Pavel Pereverzev's user avatar
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Making a drop-down list for launching a model

Is that possible to make a model in which you can choose what certain model you are going to run? For example I have a list of models like: Roads intersections detector level-1 Roads intersections ...
Pavel Pereverzev's user avatar
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Extracting pixel values in satellite images using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I'm trying to extract the pixel values(intensity values) of Landsat-8 satellite images using ArcGIS, I have an image and a crop data layer(CDL). Then I only kept the data for one crop, and got the ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Using arcpy.SearchCursor() for multivalue field?

I need to make a multivalue field to be selected as:   Input_Features = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (0) Num_Pop = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (1) #(It contains population data for the periods 2020, 2025, ...
Machado Mac's user avatar
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Get value from list class (vector) in R [closed]

I have a simple question about corce(?) list class data into vector. I extract a tif file from polygon to achieve a list. Maybe the class of list is leaded by extract function. I check the list length ...
Iris's user avatar
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Populate list from arcgis server service in JQUERY javascript aplication instead of DOJO?

I would like to populate a list on a select combobox using jquery with data from an arcserver service.I'm wondering if this is possible and if so how i would implement it. I'm using the esri ...
David Diez's user avatar
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Tasseled Cap Transformation coefficient and Bias Value

I want to perform Tasseled Cap transformation of Landsat 5,7 and Landsat 8 data manually in ArcGIS. Please let me know where from I can get the coefficient values and Bias values for the following ...
user48079's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Limiting list values based on previous field in QGIS Forms?

Looking for assistance to set up appropriate configuration to enable drop-down lists values to be filtered based on a previous value. Basically, I have a 3-tiered categorisation structure to one of ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Limiting available values in dropdown field of QGIS form according to value selected in previous field?

I'm building a rather complex entry form for a layer stored in a PostGIS database. I am following this usage scenario: On several occasions I have dropdown fields which lets the user select a type of ...
Grgoje's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Conditional value map widget in QGIS

I am looking for a way to implement conditional value mapping in QGIS. This means that the values available in attribute number 2 depend on the value provided in attribute 1. Example: If the user ...
Lisdengard's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Display the size of the dot based on the value [duplicate]

I import a CSV File and for each coordinate, I get a point in the map. Can I set a column for the value. Then the size should based on the value have a special size. Or based on all values, it should ...
Hannes's user avatar
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Select intersecting features within Value Relation Widget

Is it possible to filter records in the Value Relation Widget to include only those that intersect the current feature? We are trying to set up a layer for user input where we need to populate Start/...
Jamie's user avatar
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1 answer

Multivalue input from chosen field giving patchy input strings from ArcPy?

I made a small tool that can be run from a toolbox. It has a validation code to choose multiple values from a specified field from a specified feature layer. It looks quite ordinary: The validation ...
jonlew's user avatar
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Seeking Android app to be GPS Logger and POI recorder, with offline map? [closed]

I am looking for a good app that can do one or many of my below listed requirements. They are listed with the most fundamental functions first. Preferably the app can do all of it, but it should at ...
user avatar
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How to set parameter filters in ToolValidator?

I am populating parameter[2] using validation code provided by ESRI. How can I modify this code to repeat for parameter[3] what was done for parameter[2]? To elaborate...param[0] is a user supplied ...
wtgeographer's user avatar
4 votes
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How to set proportional value in legend?

I have a GIS table with traffic flows.The thickness is proportional to the traffic value and I'd like to have a little legend with 3 links proportional to setted value (eg: link1 proportional to 100 ...
Ale's user avatar
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Can I use predefined list of values from Postgis when I draw lines in QGIS?

Lets say that we have 2 tables in Postgis: Table 1 (PIPE): -ID -pipe_type_id -geometry Table 2 (PIPE_TYPE): -ID -type foreign key PIPE.pipe_type_id - PIPE_TYPE.ID Table PIPE is empty. Table ...
Zoran Petrović's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Programmatically Populate Value List in ArcGIS Tool Interface?

I'm just trying to set up the parameters in a tool I've built in ArcGIS. What I want to do is read in a feature class or table and get the values in a specific field called "SITE". The field contains ...
Mike's user avatar
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