Questions tagged [values]

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16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to recover parent value while creating parent and child layers in a embedded forms setup?

I read the documentation, examples and made many attempts, but I still can't make this work. What I want is to get a value from a parent layer while editing a child layer, when both features are being ...
Horizen's user avatar
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Reading row values instead of field values with PyQGIS

I use this piece of code to read the values of fields: lyr = iface.activeLayer() features = lyr.getFeatures() for feat in features: attrs = feat.attributes() print attrs[1] How can I read ...
charles's user avatar
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Autofilling based of value map in QField

Is it possible to prepare a Value Map with autofilling? I have a list of almost 500 plant names and it is difficult to find correct name on my device (phone with Qfield) while scrolling. Is it ...
paula's user avatar
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Polygonizing distinct values using QGIS?

I am using QGIS 3.0.3 and I am trying to create simulated data through two sets random points distributed along two gradients of values (photo below). Using the raster calculator I created two ...
Arthur Scully's user avatar
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Problem with the attribute table values, they are replaced with ************

I suddenly have a problem with my attribute table. When I change a value the whole line is messed up because values shift and the value I add is replaced by ***********. How can I avoid this from ...
Inge's user avatar
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Generating new polygons based on sum of values

I am working with QGIS, and I have created the styled density map with the hexagons to calculate pop figures within these. The pop field is displayed inside each polygon. I now want to create new ...
A_Y's user avatar
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LANDSAT-7 strange strip on SWIR bands (B5 and B7)

I was exploring Landsat 7 data on SentinelHub and came across with this strange strip in the SWIR band B7 (also B5): By placing a pin in this strip and exploring the stats, I found that there is no ...
Just_4n0th3r_Pr0gr4mm3r's user avatar
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Nested for: I execute changeAttributeValue in the outer loop, print it and is still NULL... but inner loop works kind of fine?

A bit hard to explain, untill now my script is: I have a for, where: if an "Analized" attribute is NULL, I will change it to "Parent",store a "Join Value" attribute in a ...
javir Ib's user avatar
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Extracting average value at point using ArcGIS Pro

I have a dataset of over 500 points that represent the location of a number of site boundaries and a Tif file displaying the wind speed data over the study area. Is it possible using ArcGIS Pro to ...
Robbie-G95's user avatar
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Changing raster pixel values outside of polygon box using rioxarray

How do I change all raster pixel values outside of a polygon (keep the original values inside polygon) into a certain value? I have passed through rioxarray clip() like below from this link: ...
Happier's user avatar
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Projecting raster changes the range of values

I am trying to project a 1 second DEM from GDA94 to UTM56 in ArcMap using the Project Raster tool. I tried different methods: bilinear, cubic, nearest neighbor. Nevertheless, the values of the output ...
novice here's user avatar
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MOD04_L2 data processing in r

i am new to using r, so i excuse in advance for asking basic question. I have been trying to convert MOD04_L2 data into GeoTIFF and extract value to a district shapefile in R. the coding seems to work ...
hina yaqub's user avatar
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Adjusting pixel values to new pixel sum

I'm working with land use rasters in QGIS. For my application I have created rasters with pixels that have a fraction of 0-1 (for 0-100%) for a land use class. So for example in my settlement raster ...
flowerts's user avatar
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Tabulate intersection, but I need it with null values too, not just with matching intersect

I have problem with tabulate intersection tool (In ArcGIS - ArcMap 10.7.1). The number of data is 1298 with 500 m buffer. Then i have polygons, that I need to process. I run the tool, but get the ...
pipi94's user avatar
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File Geodatabase: storing text in an integer field?

I recently downloaded a FGDB from NOAA at The FGDB contains a point feature class with ship locations. One of its attribute fields, named [Status], is of type Long ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Converting feature to raster, missing values

I have converted many features from the same shapefile to rasters, but am now getting an issue where values are missing. Converting the percentage values in column a212 (data type long) produces a ...
Morani's user avatar
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