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Questions tagged [venus]

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Transform equirectangular simple TIFF to Mercator projection with gdal_translate / gdalwarp

I'm trying to transform this shaded map of Venus, a 2000x1000 TIFF in what I believe is equirectangular projection, without GIS metadata, to Mercator. I first tried gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs ...
David Moles's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Exporting Large (30 million row) Attribute Tables [closed]

I'm attempting to export an attribute table that contains 30 million rows (with 10 columns) to a .txt file. I've been able to export smaller portions of it (e.g. selecting and exporting the first 100 ...
Avram J Stein's user avatar