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0 votes
1 answer

Drawing "walls" in ArcScene

I am working on a 3D visualisation of a map displaying the population density. I'd like to visualize the density by setting the height of an area according to it's population density. Whenever I set ...
14 votes
6 answers

Ways to visualize multiple large LiDAR tiles?

I want to load approximately 10 large LiDAR tiles for analysis. I have tried using ArcScene but it appears there is a limit on how much data ArcScene can handle at one time. Each tile is 65-90MB in ...
1 vote
0 answers

Understanding 3D visualization difference between ArcScene and ArcGIS Pro? [closed]

For research on (3D) noise mapping, I calculated the noise levels that reach the facades of buildings. The first picture shows the houses in 3D that I have used to determine the facades for the noise ...
3 votes
1 answer

Cracks between ortho images when floating on 3D surface - ArcScene

I am trying to create a seamless 3D visualisation in ArcScene 10.1. I have a TIN surface created from 1m contour lines. I have 4 tiles of ortho imagery I would like to drape over the surface. So far I ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to represent the time(weekly/monthly) variationof a polygon map using one image?

I have a base map made up of three hundred polygons, Each polygon has lots of attribute values(For example, each week/month get a value). But I only want to draw one picture(due to page limitation) ...
1 vote
1 answer

3D Symbology for a Model Farm in ArcScene

I am working on visualization of a model farm I have developed consisting of various types of grazing land, cropping areas and other. As I have constructed it myself, I don't have an image with it for ...
11 votes
4 answers

Looking for a free program for 3D visualization

Looking for a free program or web software for 3D visualization. I'd like to have an ArcScene like abilities. No editing needed, just need to see the data in a 3D format. It'd be really helpful for ...
1 vote
1 answer

ArcScene 10.1 Orthophoto Visualization Issue

I am attempting to visualize an orthophoto in ArcScene 10.1 at the same resolution it is at in ArcDesktop 10.1. I have set the "Quality enhancement for raster images" to it's highest extent. But, the ...
10 votes
3 answers

How to properly Drape vectors over a DEM?

I have a DEM of my study area, and the streams in it. Whenever I add both to ArcScene, and drape the vectors over the DEM, some of the vectors disappear from over the surface, and are visible under ...