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Blender DEM Visualisation

I am experimenting with new GIS tools, and one of them is Blender. I am trying to visualize a DEM, and everything works fine, except for the strange contour-like stripes appearing in the DEM. I’m not ...
Timko99's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Creating topographic "layer cake" map a.k.a. Tanaka contour in QGIS

I'm wondering if there is any way to create a map similar to the image below. Basically, it would be the contours extruded, add a singleband pseudocolor ramp as the color on top, and be able to ...
Jon Altschuld's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Filter DEM image collection for elevation band value greater than 0, to show land only - Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to display only the land areas of a DEM image collection, by filtering the image collection for values greater than 0. I am not sure how to write the arguments properly. There is only 1 ...
Erin's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Making an animation of an evolving digital elevation model

I'm working on a model of landscape evolution and would like to make a nice 3D movie of how the landscape over time. How do I do this? My landscape evolution model, which is based on this paper and ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to manipulate elevation colour ramp in Potree?

I would like to render bare earth LiDAR data with a colour ramp using natural colors instead of vibrant blues to yellow to red. Does anyone know how to manipulate Potree to enable this?
Robert Buckley's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

DEM out of a shaded relief LiDAR?

I have a DEM built from LiDAR data and the file extension is .tif. When I open this file in ArcMap it seems to be a shaded relief DEM (see the screenshot below). It happens I want to visualize the ...
user68652's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Preventing reflective surface in rasterVis

I have been experimenting with digital terrain model files in ESRI ASCII grid raster format. Despite zero experience with this type of data I found it very easy to load into R, as per code below. The ...
SlowLearner's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to drape a simple jpeg image over dem of some area?

How can we drape a simple jpeg image which doesnot have any geo referencing information over the digital elevation model in order to visualize it in 3D in QGIS?
chandra mohan's user avatar
27 votes
8 answers

Viewing LIDAR data (.las) in QGIS?

Is there an easy path to visualizing LIDAR data in QGIS? I have some USGS LIDAR data in .las format downloaded from This means I have both the .las and metadata in .xml ...
Bryce's user avatar
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