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Sharing GIS data with non-GIS users [closed]

I want to visualize and share GIS data with non-GIS users within my organization. The data basis is European CO2 emissions from industrial sites from the E-PRTR, thus a point data layer that should be ...
Lucas_Edenhofer's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Seeking open source tools to visualize map projection distortion? [closed]

A reference article on Map Projections contains the following figure: I think the images are created using Geocart, listed in Additional Resources section. I'm interested in trying to create ...
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

FOSS way of creating space time cube?

I've been experimenting with ArcGIS Pro's "Visualizing Space Time Cube" tool but found that there is a feature limitation when I try to publish it via ArcGIS Online. My goal is to publish it on the ...
sam's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Options for visualizing LiDAR data on (Mac) OS X?

I've recently come across open data LiDAR files for the city of Vancouver. I'd like to view it on my Mac (2011. 10.6.6 OS). My intention is to use the LAS file to identify what the tallest trees are ...
Ira S's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Generate maps from different columns of shapefile with QGIS [closed]

I have a shapefile with N columns describing different attributes of some features. I would like to generate a grid of maps, where each map is a different column. Visually, I'm thinking of something ...
Mulone's user avatar
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25 votes
9 answers

Viewing LiDAR data from web browser?

I am looking to host lidar data on my own server and give clients the ability to view that data through a web browser as a 3D point cloud (file would be in .las format or equivalent), possibly with ...
0 votes
1 answer

Editor to work on GML files

I am looking for a good way to work on GML files. At the moment I am using nXML or SGML mode for Emacs but I wouldnt mind having an IDE/Emacs mode/... that is more specialized on GML files and could ...
Simon Fromme's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Linux alternatives to visualize and analyze LiDAR datasets?

For a long time I have been using softwares based in Windows to visualize and analyze LiDAR data sets for forest application. Recently, I have started to move all my work to Ubuntu platform, but I'm ...
13 votes
7 answers

Displaying 3D model of building in web-browser

I would like to try to show a proposed building in a web-browser such that the user can interact with it in a way similar to google maps streetview. Is it possible to do this, in any platform? I can ...
djq's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

GIS mapping software for visualizing and publishing maps [closed]

Currently I am writing my Bachelor thesis and for testing purposes I need software where I can visualize and publish maps and put vector data (point, line, polygon) on them. Can anybody recommend such ...
Dmitri's user avatar
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42 votes
5 answers

Visualizing large datasets with other than Leaflet

When using Leaflet to visualize a large dataset (GeoJSON with 10,000 point features), not surprisingly the browser crashes or hangs. A sub-sample of 1000 features from the same dataset works ...
Imad's user avatar
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