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Questions tagged [vsicurl]

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3 votes
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Debugging failing OGR /vsicurl call

I'm trying to open a remote GeoJSON source which requires an API key to be set in the request header. I have got it to work in Python 2 as follows: import requests headers = {'ApiKey': 'MY_API_KEY'} ...
Tom Chadwin's user avatar
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2 votes
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GDAL VSICurl URL for ESRI shapefiles generating incorrect URLs when URL has query parameters

I am trying to use GDAL's VSICurl to access data on a webserver. The URL for the data requires query parameters, for example:
NRD Cleaner's user avatar
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GDAL /vsicurl/ does not use range requests

I'm trying to extract a small part of a largish COG GeoTIFF using gdal_translate. The source file is stored on S3 and I have a presigned URL to it, and use /vsicurl/ to access it. For whatever reason, ...
Liedman's user avatar
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