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Questions tagged [web-mapping]

"Web mapping is the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps on the World Wide Web ..."

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Discrepancies in EPSG:3857 Spherical/Web Mercator World bounds

This Question Spherical Mercator - World bounds is answered by this Answer, which cites with the following bounds: xmin: -20037508.3427892, ymin: -20037508.3427892, xmax: 20037508....
Rasmus-123's user avatar
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Dynamic Textbox in ArcGIS Online to Supplement Legend?

We have an ArcGIS Online Web Map with several group layers organized around themes (Transportation, Health, Income, etc) and each with about 5 layers. Our goal is to have a web mapping application ...
sploog's user avatar
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Creating interactive QGIS web map

I use QGIS, and want to build a locally hosted interactive web map displaying various proprietary and open data, that internal staff can search/query. QGIS2Web looks to be suitable for most of these ...
Thomas's user avatar
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-1 votes
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not able to upload my webmap made by qgis2web into my website domain [closed]

I am trying to upload my webmap i made using qgis2web into my website, but i couldnt. i tried to deploy it through netlify and i am able to do, but not through my domain. my web host is hostinger. can ...
Ahammed Junaid's user avatar
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MapBox not working in qgis2web Plugin

I've imported customized basemap from Mapbox studio, and want to create a webpage for visualization using qgis2web plugin. The QGIS imports and displays the base map from map box properly. However, ...
Adarsh M Kulkarni's user avatar
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Why NOAA layers appear to be incorrect

I had previously built a Leaflet map that pulled past precipitation data (24, 48, and 72 hours) from the NOAA nowCOAST site, however, the site was decommissioned. I used a previous StackExchange post ...
geoscience123's user avatar
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Web app for ArcGIS Enterprise step by step for user

I've seen webmaps that show the steps to help user to navigate the application. Does anyone know what widget can I use to implement this feature on ArcGIS Enterprise WebMaps? I have ArcGIS 10.7.1 ...
Ana Claudia Garcez's user avatar
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Downloading vector data to make it available for analysis in QGIS

I want to have access to the vector shapes for site analysis from this site I would like to download or add ...
user240140's user avatar
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MapLibre JS Side by Side 2 Maps Sync

Previously I developed a map portal using Leaflet. I want to use MapLibre JS now. It has two same maps side by side like the following UI. The main functionality is to pan and zoom the map at the same ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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Including photos in a web map using qgis2web QGIS version 3.28.5

I have included a field called photo in a point layer that I want to use in a web map to be published using qgis2web. The field widget type is attachment with the path stored relative to the project ...
Sean Jarrett's user avatar
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Showing feature count when exporting map with qgis2web Plugin

I am trying to include the feature count when using the qgis2web PLugin. I have a point layer and I simply want to show the number of features for each specific field. This is what I see in the layer ...
Bill Sostrich's user avatar
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Get polygons from JSON request in an ArcGIS webmap

I'm trying to scrape some polygons from an ArcGIS webmap, and outside requests/ REST API don't work. I want to take the polygons I see in the webmap and turn them into a shapefile. The webmap of ...
Ben Hendel's user avatar
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Extracting spatial information from a web map

I'm trying to extract spatial information from this website: Basically, they have a map showing all current outages and I want to get spatial data ...
Neil P's user avatar
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Creating a HTML webmap using both ESRI JavaScript API and Leaflet

I have created an ESRI JavaScript based map. It is reading in a webmap from my ArcGIS Online account and works as is required. I would like to include some additional context to my webmap through the ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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What kind of storage for my webgis app

I'm making a WebGIS app where users will be able to upload and visualize the data on a 3D map (with Cesium). It will be DEM, DSM raster files. For this webGIS app I have a Nodejs server for all the ...
Nicolas Guibal's user avatar
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Can't use fit() in OpenLayers

I am trying to display a map of the USA in OpenLayers, and am trying to fit it to a layer. I tried map.getView().fit(Usa.getSource().getExtent()); but that didn't do anything. I thought that maybe the ...
teop's user avatar
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Upload already created SLD styles in GeoServer

I have locally created some SLDs and uploaded to the GeoServer corresponding 'styles' folder The idea is not to go through the GeoServer user interface to create the styles again (copy and paste via ...
user1249791's user avatar
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Pushing Foursquare's Swarm Check-In Data into a Google Maps Service

I've been using FourSquare's Swarm app to track my travels. I'd like to be able to plot the check-in locations on a Google Maps service (or any other web-based service outside of the Swarm App). I've ...
b-rad-b's user avatar
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Equivalent to Google "my maps" for larger datasets, access-restricted webmap without a custom website

I know how to upload a KML file to create a google "my map" and share it privately via Google Drive. I want to know how I can do this for larger datasets that exceed the Google "my map&...
Virginia's user avatar
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Prevalence of Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs as standard for online maps

OpenLayers is the only JavaScript library I have found so far that supports Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFS out of the box. Is it common practice to expose data simply as a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF without ...
gtnbssn's user avatar
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Generate raster tiles from QGIS project, avoid creating redundant tiles (not overlapping a vector layer), containing only OSM basemap pixels

Context: raster tiles webmap on private server Using QGIS, I created raster tiles from a project with Generate XYZ Tiles (Directory). I basically have a vector layer with buildings and an OSM basemap ...
Babel's user avatar
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GeoJSON or VectorTiles for dynamic large dataset - when to use which one? [closed]

Assuming that the goal is to develop a web application with a static basemap (can be raster tiles) and multiple layers, which: are stored in a PostGIS database have a big amount of features include ...
Robbert's user avatar
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XYZ tiles generated with QGIS not visible when uploading on web server

I created a QGIS project and used Generate XYZ Tiles (Directory) to export the rendered image as raster tiles. Uploading the folder with its subfolder and raster tiles an FTP-Client to a web server, I ...
Babel's user avatar
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Creating Proportional Symbols with Leaflet

After converting the data in this table to geojson, I want to present it on the map by sizing it according to the "y_2021" values, but I get many errors like in the picture. Can you help me ...
T..'s user avatar
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Export qgis2web map into Paddle website

I made a map in QGIS and exported it with the Qgis2web Plugin. I've got a local map with several files. The html index shows me the map as it will be displayed online. We use Paddle CMS to manage our ...
BramV's user avatar
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Seeking online service to quickly review XYZ tiles

I recently was approached by a layman who wanted to view a rather non-descriptive XYZ-tileset over a more relatable map like OSM. My first attempt would have been to create an html file from the ...
maxwhere's user avatar
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Privately sharing web maps with clients

Goal: to share a web map (ideally created on ArcGIS Online) with clients that do not have an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) account, via a private link or password-protected page. Research Findings: It is NOT ...
B. Gale's user avatar
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How to tell if a WFS service supports `urn` identifiers for `srsName`

Specifying a urn for the srsName parameter for a WFS GetFeatures request can be better, as it can enforce a stricter structure of the returned data. E.g. If I specify srsName=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::...
staf's user avatar
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Showing images of large area in website with thousands of large aerial images hosted on remote server

To be able to use TMS service using GDAL2TIle, one has to make a mosaic of all of images first which is impractical given the fact that there are thousands of aerial images, each 3500x3500px large. Is ...
Arash Archer's user avatar
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Major text rendering errors when exporting via qgis2web

I'm trying to export a map to leaflet via qgis2web. I wanted to use OpenLayers, however, I cannot because it simply doesn't work. For reasons unknown, only certain layers work when trying to export. ...
Meep the Changeling's user avatar
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Unable to Cascade WMTS layer in GeoServer

I have a WMTS source in our country I am able to create a store with that and read all the layers of WMTS service, but when i publish the layer, i can't get ...
Shefqet LULJA's user avatar
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Empty webmap using QGIS2web plugin on SharePoint site

I can produce my webmap using the qgis2web plugin without a problem. When the index.html file is created I click on the index.html file and the webmap opens and I can see my map content. So far so ...
Brigitte Colin's user avatar
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Leaflet: Illustrate distance along path, like "measure distance" in Google Maps

In a map in a web application, I would like to illustrate distance along a path, like how it is done with the measure distance tool in Google Maps (see attached image). Is there a way to do this in ...
Martin Stålberg's user avatar
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Django Leaflet Back-end Service for Map Screenshot

I am developing an application in Django using leaflet, i have a questionnaire that when user fill they type the address, and then using google address api, i fetch the address details e.g. lat/long. ...
Ahsan Mukhtar's user avatar
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Vector Tile Service VS. Feature Service

I've been watching the following Esri video: And the following two slides confuse me: What is the difference between Features and Vectors? It seems that in ...
blades's user avatar
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WMS is for raster... What is for vector layers? [closed]

From my understanding, standards such as WMS, TMS etc are mainly used to fetch raster layers from a map server. What are the popular options for serving vector layers? Can it be tiled or not tiled as ...
blades's user avatar
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Create Extent to use in mapView.goto

I would like to use the goTo() method of the mapview, and pass it an Extent that I construct in the code. I created the extent by: const extent = new Esri.Extent({ xmax: maxX, xmin: minX, ...
Normal's user avatar
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Should I use different projections to calculate distance and displaying on the Map?

I'm using the UK crime dataset provided by My question is about coordinate systems/map projections. The crime locations are stored with the projection EPSG 4326 which uses ...
Lucas Gomes's user avatar
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Create a webhosting GIS tileserver with GeoServer (or similar) on Ubuntu 18.04

I am currently developing a web application with JS, HTML, CSS (you know the drill) and I am using a local GeoServer instance to display tiff files as PNG tiles in a Leaflet based mapping environment. ...
Skerre's user avatar
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How can I make a click able button in table list?

How can I make a clickable button in table list, that will be used in webGIS map (along with table features got from .geojson file), after clicking it will direct to another webpage.
Dev Gogoi's user avatar
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Making a web map with geotagged photos In QGIS

I would like to create a web map with several hundred geotagged photos showing the location of the photos and the direction they were taken in. Using the "Import Geotagged Photos" tool in ...
David Koch's user avatar
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Populating all the data from GeoJSON to an HTML div

I have GeoJSON and I am trying to get all the data from it and display it on a div element. This is what I have been able to do so far: HTML <div class="col-3" id="graphs"> ...
Aneeqa's user avatar
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Dynamic/interactive QGIS webapp [closed]

Is it possible to use QGIS + plugins to allow users to interact with maps in real time? For example, to allow users to control sliders and change buffer distances in real-time? It is easy enough to ...
Michael K's user avatar
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User-controlled widgets to choose style logic in QGIS [closed]

On my map, I have several rules-based styles for polygons depending on what data a user might want to look at (e.g., raw money spent per geographic boundary vs. money spent per 100,000 people per ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Setting extents of base layers to the extents of newly added layer on the map in OpenLayers

I am querying two layers, based on which I am adding the resultant layer (having lesser polygons than the original one) on map Suppose this is the base layer, After querying, I get this resultant ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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Why spatial filter (DWITHIN) is not working in WFS

I am working using spatial filter Dwithin for WFS. I have worked using a simple filter using to show no of earthquake data for the year 2020 in GeoJSON format from the given WFS:- https://emidius.mi....
Walker's user avatar
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Web-map file download automation

This web-map, has all the archaeological sites in Greece which can be downloaded in shapefile format. I would like to download all of them for a site suitability analysis, but the web-map does not ...
GISGeekpro's user avatar
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Searching for waterfalls / water drops within an area of interest, return location and height [closed]

Is there a system/service for finding or searching waterfalls or "water drop" (say 1.5m drop)? Or is there another (simply) way to gain this data? finding := Input a location and drop ...
DarkTrick's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit a non PostGIS layer within Lizmap?

I have a running LizMap + Qgis Server configuration (but I am only the frontend admin, another dude is in charge of the backend server therefore I can't access to logs easely). Our set-up is aimed to ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Get basic statistics from a feature server and display it in an own element in ArcGIS JavaScript

I use ArcGIS Pro 2.9.0 and ArcGIS JavaScript. I am new to using my feature sets with ArcGIS JavaScript. I have a point feature set on ArcGIS Online (

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