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Zonal statistics using two raster, one with zones and the other with data using Python

I am trying to calculate the mean of a raster using zone data from another raster. The zone data was created using the Whitebox clump tool where each group of pixels have a unique ID number. There are ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Cascading order of basins (next downstream basin) in QGIS, R, or Whiteboxtools

I am conducting a hydrologic analysis of DEMs. Suppose that I have the following basins in an area as shown below:. I need to get the cascading order of each of the basins. In other words, I need to ...
Mohamed Ismaiel Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

WhiteboxTools returns nan rasters when lee filtering large radarsat images

I am attempting to run the following code from WhiteboxTools: .\whitebox_tools.exe --run="LeeFilter" --input='imagery_HV_orig.tif' --output='imagery_HV_filtr.tif' --filterx=5 --filtery=5 --sigma=10.0 ...
alex_danielssen's user avatar