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Questions tagged [xy]

A pair of values that represents the distance from an origin (0,0) along two axes, a horizontal axis (x), and a vertical axis (y).

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2 answers

Extracting coordinates from shapely geometry polygon with PyQGIS

I have the following code to generate a polygon from some calculated points (x/y pairs a,b,c,d) and rotate it by a given angle (Line_Head) around a given point (Rot_Point). This works. ""&...
WillH's user avatar
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Plot XY points along a curved line in ArcGIS Pro (for creating TIN)

I am trying to use ArcGIS Pro to replicate a process from CAD (Bentley InRoads) for creating triangulated elevation surfaces along curved lines. In CAD, I can import a text file with XY points and ...
Bartek Radziej's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Get centroid xy of selected polygon feature for UTM

Building a Script Tool that will take a selected polygon feature iterating through a 1 deg x 1 deg grid feature class. The tool creates a new geodatabase with name from [GEOCELL] field of selected ...
atv5150's user avatar
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1 answer

Inaccuracy using field calculator to get coordinates of a point layer

When using the $x and $y commands in the field calculator to get coordinates of features in a point layer, the coordinates I get are different than if I point the feature with my cursor. The deviation ...
dmasana's user avatar
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0 answers

How to extract the Lat and Long coordinates used to create the boundaries of polygons in a shapefile using QGIS

I have a shapefile that contains 10 polygons that represent 10 legal fishery management zones. I would like to extract the latitude and longitudinal data points used to create each polygon so that I ...
Angela Russell's user avatar
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Combining bounding box with xy coordinates in R

I am just beginning a side project to start learning something about spatial analysis using data from match play events in a particular sport. I have some xy coordinates of shots taken at goal and in ...
Eccles's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Setting simple square grid as coordinate system in QGIS

I have a set of coordinates of drill sites that have x and y values ranging between 1-300. My task is to interpolate a 3D model out of them but that's easy. What I'm struggling with is setting a ...
Algae's user avatar
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How is Esri online course data spatially referenced without xy coordinates

I have completed ESRI's online course, Mapping Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Using ArcGIS Pro, which analyzed the disparities between black and white women by county. Here is ...
Regulus's user avatar
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Allow duplicate lines in XY to Lines using ArcGIS Pro

I am a complete beginner with ArcGIS Pro. I have a table of people, each with year, workplace and birthplace coordinates. I'd like to visualize a connection between birth and workplace with time ...
Bob's user avatar
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0 answers

How to create a points layer without XY cordinates in my attribute table

I have tried a few methods. I loaded a table and tried to join it with "add join" using the object ID as the the common attribute, but it did not join the table the way I planned. I ...
Ramon Hernandez's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Importing points from CSV file with NaN as vertical separator in QGIS

I am importing a CSV file with the coordinates of several points forming some kind of circle structure. The different circles are separated in the file table with one line of NaN, NaN. When I import ...
Sanilla's user avatar
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0 answers

Correct format for Easting/Northing in Go To XY tool in ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to create a point in ArcGIS Pro based on Easting and Northing coordinates that I obtain from an online map viewer. The online map viewer only has the Easting and Northing and does not have ...
arc_user's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Converting coordinates from cartesian to geodetic in QGIS

I have a problem with my layer attributes in QGIS, every time I add $x and $y coordinates as attributes, they are always returned to me in meters, while I would need this data expressed in degrees. I ...
Luke's user avatar
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3 votes
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Adding vectors (segments) connecting pairs of points from CSV file in QGIS [duplicate]

a) Given: In QGIS 3.28 I have two sets of points: Points M and Points N (See embedded image), given by their coordinates in a CSV file. b) Required: A set of vectors (or segments) connecting the pairs ...
Iyad's user avatar
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2 votes
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Looking for QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS "Go to XY" tool

I am wondering if there is a way to quickly add coordinates on the map as a callout (without the need of creating a shapefile). For example, ArcMap has a nice feature (Go to XY) where you can simple ...
Aurora's user avatar
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Displaying XY data incorrectly

I received the following coordinates for a project in Peru. I have used the correct projection (PSAD 1956 UTM Zone 19S/ WKID 24879), which never shows up in the correct destination. They should be ...
Elisa's user avatar
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1 answer

Populating geom using lat/long or x/y

I'm having trouble populating a geometry (geom) column by using already existing columns (the data has an x, y, as well as lat, long columns) the 4 columns are in varchar. I have created the geometry ...
Cford's user avatar
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Excel table with X and Y values doesn't convert in point layer correctly

I have an Excel table with the X and Y values that I have added to QGIS 3.18. Y want to georeference this table in points, so I follow these steps: Process toolbox -> vector creation -> create ...
ANDY AGUIRRE's user avatar
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Converting X/Y coordinates using pyproj giving incorrect results

I have two CSV files which I have to merge and the only thing common I found was one of them has coordinates of six points for polygon. and the second file has x, y coordinates which is the only ...
HIMANSHU GUPTA's user avatar
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Go To XY not working on one map but works on other maps using ArcGIS Pro

I'm not sure what I did to cause this issue as it worked previously. When I attempt to use the "go to XY" feature on ArcGIS Pro v. 2.9.3 it seems to work fine when I try on a new map ...
Mikayla's user avatar
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Converting x/y in Pandas DataFrame to lat/long

I have written the following Python code to convert various input files into a shapefile using Pandas. The coordinates of the input file are x,y which is what my shapefile outputs to, but I would like ...
fuzzy_raster9873's user avatar
6 votes
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Generating x, y, coordinates within polygon/polyline with certain interval in QGIS

I need all the x- and y-coordinates with a interval of 500 meters that fit inside a polygon/polyline. For example I want to generate a CSV file that looks like this: x, y, 10000, 30000 10500, 30000 ...
SimonDL's user avatar
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Rounding decimal numbers in PostGIS [duplicate]

I have a 'cities' point layer. I want to compute a table with the coordinates of the geometries which works fine with that expression: select name, ST_X(geom) as x_coordinate, ST_Y(geom) ...
Enzo Baldini's user avatar
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2 answers

Loading SQL X/Y Table into QGIS

I'm new to QGIS (moving from ESRI). I'm wanting to use an SQL table that has X and Y coordinate columns for viewing in QGIS as a layer. I've created and tested the ODBC connection to the database ok ...
Chris Durand's user avatar
3 votes
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Updating geometry field automatically from East and North fields in QGIS

I have a layer that contains a number of fields, two of which are "East" and "North". I would like to be able to set up the layer so I fill out the attribute form including ...
Andrew Toole's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Obtaining lat/lon coordinates for layer in QGIS

With QGIS 3.24.1-Tisler on Mac, I want to get a list of lat/long coordinates for the Alaska sample data that comes with QGIS. I followed the instructions at, with ...
JAyenGreen's user avatar
2 votes
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Why $x and $y gives some results NULL and other correct values for one point layer? (on one only table of attributes)

I created a point layer starting on lines (with revised geometries) and then tried to obtained the coordinates of several point layers created from the same procedure and also joined all the point ...
Matías's user avatar
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Longitude not appearing when selecting Display XY data from table using ArcGIS Pro [closed]

I am attempting to add the Latitude and Longitude from a large (6000 row) .csv file into an ArcGIS Pro map. Only the "Latitude" field is appearing, and Longitude is no where to be found. I ...
asilid's user avatar
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4 answers

What is format for coordinates of polygon in KML?

I have a KML file with a polygon as shown below: <Polygon> <tessellate>1</tessellate> <outerBoundaryIs> <LinearRing> <coordinates> ...
Prahalad Das's user avatar
4 votes
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Map X and Y coordinates are different than computed x and y coordinates?

I have some address points that I have reprojected to coordinate system EPSG 6626. Then, I added x and y coordinate attribute values using the "Add X/Y fields to layer" processing tool and ...
unbutu's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert CSV XY coordinates to different spatial reference system

I have a CSV containing the eircodes of Ireland (over 1 million records) and their coordinates which are in Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) Easting and Northing. 717387.8 748192.3 I am trying to ...
user196963's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating polygon bounds by using CSV input in QGIS

I want to create a ABCD-rectangle in QGIS using the coordinates for AB, BC,CD, DA in format (x,y) each. What is the procedure to do this? Also is there any special formatting required for the CSV?
asiffarhankhan's user avatar
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Invalid geometry when importing xy points

I am trying to import xy coordinates from a CSV file as points into my ArcGIS map. However, when doing so, I get the message "Some of the features have invalid geometry and have been removed from ...
Tom's user avatar
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3 answers

Output point feature created with ModelBuilder (ArcGIS Pro) doesn't display on map

I have been tasked with creating a model on ArcGIS Pro that allows you to create a point feature and input XY coordinates (British National Grid) from ModelBuilder. Please note I don't want to use a ....
chlha's user avatar
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Extracting specific corner of a rectangular polygon based on the cardinal direction

I have a dataset of rectangular polygons that have an arbitrary cardinal direction attribute (N, E, S, or W) assigned during digitization. The polygons aren't necessarily exactly rectangular. I want ...
JUNGLE's user avatar
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Visualizing CSV with multiple coordinates per one ID in QGIS

I have spatial data detailing with the locations of survey respondents living in over the last 15 years. I need to display how each respondent moved over time. Each row in the attribute table of the ...
Owen's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I go from a SVG file to a Polygon string with ID table in Python? [closed]

I would like to translate my SVG file (objects) into polygons. The result I would like to obtain is a table with a column of IDs and another column with the Polygons in it (string). I would like to ...
gorefle's user avatar
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Adding x and y coordinate fields to multipoint layer in PyQGIS

I have a MultiPoint layer in QGIS 3.18 that I wanted to add x and y coordinates to in its attribute table. Normally, I can just use field calculator and calculate the new field to be $x or $y. How do ...
WFL.GIS's user avatar
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Adding easting and northing points in ArcGIS

I am trying to add coordinates into ArcGIS 10.6.1. Below are the Northing and Easting I have been given. I have added these Northing and Eastings into an Excel sheet and saved them as a CSV File (The ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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3 answers

XY Co-ordinate information for Start and end point of Line in vector layer

How can we get XY coordinate for Start and end point of Line in vector layer
user184170's user avatar
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Unable to export or edit XY data using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap. I have a polygon shapefile. I added columns for the x and y of the centroid of each polygon using the Add Geometry Attributes tool. I then used the Make XY Event Layer tool to ...
Kara's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting X and Y coordinates Data to Latitude Longitude

I have a data file that contains locations of different places of Wilmington, North Carolina. The data file contains the X Coordinates, Y Coordinates, and Latitude. I want to calculate the Longitude ...
Abdullah Al Mamun's user avatar
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Calculating latitude from X,Y-coordinates on Mercator projection

I have a task to create a map of a specified section of the world. In particular, I need to map everything between the 120E and 100W longitudes and everything between the 60S and 30N latitudes mapped (...
map_maker_2001's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Making polygon from list of xy coordinates using Shapely

I am new to Python and am trying check if a set of points are inside a polygon using Shapely as I am not able to install GeoPandas (tried for over a week now and am tired of fighting with Anaconda). I ...
nola's user avatar
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2 answers

Extracting values from soilgrid layers for xy coordinates in QGIS

I want to extract soil values for a list of x and y coordinates from Soilgrids layers in QGIS. I loaded some layers through the browser (WMS) as a test, and then selected the specific layer (e.g. Soil ...
Rose's user avatar
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Go to XY Coordinate is 1:40000

I am trying to use the "Go to XY Coordinate: tool. It used to zoom directly to the coordinates and now it is zooming to 1:38000. I am not sure why it has changed. Any ideas on how to fix it?
user3325912's user avatar
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Plotting xy data in ArcMap

I have a .csv containing the name, longitude, and latitude in the first, second and third column, respectively. Longitude and latitude are in decimal degrees in WGS 84. However, if I try to plot these ...
Anonymous's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Extracting x,y coordinates from QgsGeometry: Point(x, y) using PyQGIS

I'm trying to extract the coordinates of a feature vertex. When I write on my editor print(vertex) what I get is <QgsGeometry: Point(58746.43000004297, -256665.088999123)> But when I try to ...
Sara Isabel Aleixo Perestrelo's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Converting x,y coordinates (EPSG:102002) to latitude,longitude (EPSG:4326) [duplicate]

I have ranges of x and y coordinates in EPSG:102002 GRS 80 that I need to convert into EPSG:4326 WGS 84. I have tried different suggestions here and here but nothing has worked so far. I find myself ...
Thomas's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Difference between QgsPoint, QgsPointXY and QgsGeometry.fromPointXY() in PyQGIS

I am using PyQGIS. What is the difference between: QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(QgsPointXY(x, y)) QgsPointXY(x, y) QgsPoint(x, y) When I print these three options, I get: print(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(...
Sara Isabel Aleixo Perestrelo's user avatar

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