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How to sequence overlapping GeoJSON using bringtoFront and/or zindex?

I currently have multiple GeoJSON polygons that overlap. I want to be able to layer them so I can click a GeoJSons a popup menu for that specific polygon to popup. Additionally, I want to have a side ...
user83937's user avatar
2 votes
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How to position LeafLet CircleMarkers on top of Markers

Question 1: With mapbox.js 2.3.0 (not sure what LeafLet version), are CircleMarkers supposed to go into the overlay pane by default, and Markers into the marker pane? I basically have 3 sets of ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Z-Index in GeoJSON features using leaflet

I have a watershed polygon with sub-watersheds contained within the larger watershed. I would like the sub-watersheds drawn on top. Can i control the drawing order of features within a geojson object ...
deltageo's user avatar
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How can a leaflet SVG overlay be placed outside of the leaflet-overlay-pane?

I have SVG on top of GeoJSON in my map. How can a leaflet SVG overlay be placed outside of the leaflet-overlay-pane while keeping GeoJSON in place in the leaflet-overlay-pane? (For example, how could ...
user3103373's user avatar