
My colleague and I have developed a web-app for visualizing gridded time-series data (in the arctic) using [`leaflet.js`](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet) with [`webgl-heatmap`](https://github.com/pyalot/webgl-heatmap).

The source data is in `netCDF` format, which we have been processing to `geojson` for each parameter attribute and and time-step. This data is then accessed via an api depending on what the user has selected.


It is difficult to stylize a color gradient for the heatmap to accurately reflect levels of the data, and WebGL presents problems for various browsers (and of various versions).

Inspired by the [`geojson-vt`](https://github.com/mapbox/geojson-vt) plugin, our idea now is to render each cell as a `geojson` polygon, and update the style (i.e. color and opacity) of those cells according to their values for the current data selection.

**Proposed work-flow**

1. netcdf → PostGIS
2. grid cell geometries → vector tiles
3. user data selection & time-step → query PostGIS for values → style grid cells


What workflow and tools would be best suited to achieve this?