1) I am trying to represent data using bins as the data was too large to display each and every point simultaneously.

![enter image description here][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/S9x9q.jpg

but the problem with this also existing if the no of bins are getting larger than 15K ,map get hang while zoomin and zoomout.
So I thought of using WMS , I am new to this, I have setup geoserver ,but confused how to add layer to this and how to access that layer.

2) Can I add layer dynamically to geoServer as the scenario is 
    a)User Uplaods a geopoitns information file and then view the data in that file
  I am creating a geojson data format from the uploaded file of user .So is it possible to upload that geojson data as a layer at runtime at geoserver and then ready to view.

3)IS the huge data representation is possible using open layer