I have a simple wfs layer from geoserver, here is code:

      //wfs-t editable overlay
      var wfs_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vector sample", {
      strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
      //projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
      protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
      version: "1.1.0",
      // loading data through localhost url path
      url: ".....",
      featureNS :  ".....",
      extractAttributes: true,
      // layer name
      featureType: "....",
      geometryName: "geom",
      schema: "localhost:8080/geoserver......"
     //vector style:
    var vector_style = new OpenLayers.Style({ 
    'fillColor': '#669933', 
    'fillOpacity': .8, 
    'strokeColor': '#aaee77', 
    'strokeWidth': 3, 
    'pointRadius': 8 
    var vector_style_select = new OpenLayers.Style({ 
    'fillColor': '#FF0000', 
    'fillOpacity': .10,
    'graphicName': 'circle', 
    //'label': 'klik',
    'pointRadius': 8, 
    'strokeColor': '#f86633', 
    'strokeDashstyle': 'solid', 
    'strokeWidth': 4 
    var vector_style_iz_table = new OpenLayers.Style({
    'cursor': 'pointer', 
    'fillColor': '#669933', 
    'fillOpacity': .8, 
    'fontColor': '#343434', 
    'label': '${table1}', 
    'pointRadius': '8', 
    'strokeColor': '#aaee77',
    'strokeWidth': 3, 
    'strokeDashstyle': 'solid', 
    'strokeWidth': '${4}' 
    var vector_style_map = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({ 
    'default': vector_style_iz_table,
    'select': vector_style_select 
    wfs_layer.styleMap = vector_style_map;

I have table from "table1" database, where is three different value: "yes", "no" and "null".

Everything works fine, in this style I can view vector layer with green fillcolor with label "yes" or "no" from my "table1".

I want 3 different style, for "yes"-> green fillcolor, for "no"-> red fillcolor and "null"-> black fillcolor.

Is that posible having 3 styles for one vector layer? I think that I must write rule filter for all three different value?
