I have a KML file which was created using Google's My Maps.

The original file can be downloaded here: 
[Google My Maps][1]

Using R, I can import this using the "readOGR" function of the rgdal library
This brings the KML file in as a SpatialPointsDataFrame (SPDF) - which i am calling asf52

[![!\[RStudio Data Pane][2]][2]

In this SPDF, the spatial data is contained under @coords and is readily extracted into a dataframe using code like

    df  <- data.frame(asf52@coords[,1:2])

However, I am struggling to come up with a way to neatly extract the the non-spatial data - contained under @data$Description - and turn it into a dataframe with a column for each variable.

  [1]: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1gO383FN6XS89neIm_MIU6nTPKvoY9AQE&ll=31.926485203171666%2C123.38307069224663&z=4
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/1Ivjo.png