Not an answer to your question but a reference method to compare your results with: - Read this PostGIS document - Take the Geography example "Return length of WGS 84 geography line" and insert your linestring into the query > SELECT ST_Length(the_geog) As length_spheroid, ST_Length(the_geog,false) As length_sphere > FROM (SELECT ST_GeographyFromText( > 'SRID=4326;LINESTRING ( 37.6232398 55.7615482, 37.6262633 55.7606701, 37.6232398 55.7615482, 37.6262633 55.7606701, 37.6232398 55.7615482, 37.6262633 55.7606701)') As the_geog) > As foo; Check the results: length_spheroid 1067.52749423872 length_sphere 1064.36864138641 I also converted the data into EPSG:32637 with OpenJUMP and measured the distance: 1067.1980. Conclusion: The distance that you measured from Google maps is not a good reference. Are you sure that you measured that distance five, not six times? With five times it would make 1040.291 which is much closer to results with EPSG:32637 and with geography.