# A workflow used to generate county level shape file with mean(z) in each county from an xyz data table in ArcGIS # *note* this is based on @MLowry's suggestion, adding almost step-by-step instructions. -------------- ## Open ArcCatalog## 1. create new personal geodatabase (e.g. foo.mdb) 1. file -> new -> personal geodatabase 1. add data * right click on map.csv -> export to geodatabase (single) -> foo.mdb (*note* not clear if this needs to be exported to geodatabase, but this is how I made a table from the csv) * right click on counties.lyr -> export to geodatabase (single) -> foo.mdb * select map.csv file --> select output geodatabase --> ok 1. create featureclass (.shp files) from xy table * open foo.mdb * right click table * input fields x = lon, y = lat, z = yield * coordinate system of input coordinates import -> from counties.lyr (or, equivalently, -> geographic .. -> world -> wgs_1984 -> open -> ok) 1. import feature classes to geodatabase (multiple) * select shp files created in prev. step -> add -> okay ## Open ArcMap ## 1. Add data * select foo.mdb -> CTL + select tables -> open 1. Spatial Join * ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics -> Spatial Join -> Join counties.lyr to xyz table map * Z value = yield; select 'mean' (or alternative statistic)