This looks like a bug to me because [Using the Results window][1] says that Rename on the Result shortcut menu ...

> Renames the result. The default name is the tool name followed by the
> time and date.

I would recommend reporting it but in the meantime I would suggest that Copy As Python Snippet might be an alternative and perhaps better way to record results and re-run them later.


As [commented by @mattwilkie][2]:

> ... the bug is still present in 10.3. I logged it with Esri,
> *BUG-000082214 - [Renaming a result in the Results window is not maintained when an MXD is closed and reopened.]*.

As [commented by @user23715][3]:

> Bug is **still** present in ArcMap 10.8.1 and listed as "In Product Plan"

[BUG-000082214][4] being in the Product Plan suggests that it has been assigned to a programmer to work on for the next release.  If that work is successful and passes Beta testing then I would expect that it will appear in the next release.
