Use [UNION or UNION ALL][1], depending on whether you want duplicates. Example: SELECT f1,f2,f3 FROM t1 UNION SELECT f1,f2,f3 FROM t2 Assuming the structure is exact across all three tables, the schema you're using is `public`, the geometry field is called `geom` and fields are ordered the same way: CREATE TABLE public.master AS SELECT * FROM region_1 UNION SELECT * FROM region_2 UNION SELECT * FROM region_3; ALTER TABLE public.master ADD COLUMN gid serial4 PRIMARY KEY; CREATE INDEX master_idx on public.master using GIST(geom); You may have to write out the field names in case fields aren't ordered in the same way, or if you want to skip some fields. Creating your primary key field using `serial4` rather than the default `serial8` will avoid some issues ArcGIS has in reading PostgreSQL primary key fields. Both ArcGIS and QGIS require tables or views to have a field that passes for a valid unique identifier. [Other essential query combination operators][2]: > EXCEPT - select every value from the first query except those that > appear in the second query. > > INTERSECT - select every value from the first query that also appears in > the second query. [1]: [2]: