I have a large set of data points that essentially represent the coastline of the world.  I don't know the exact resolution but I'd say it's in the neighbourhood of 5-10m.

I'm writing a mapping application that will require the data to scale from "full-planet" resolutions to "street" resolutions.

I've been reading about Vector-Tiling and think this will be the best solution (I'm doing something like this already), however, at the low resolutions, my dataset it still huge meaning that rending it takes a [relatively] long time, where as the high resolutions are fast because the 'effective' dataset it small (subset of the whole).  

I'm trying to determine how to take my large dataset and reduce the scale of it so that my 'full-planet' view's tile data is a manageable size.  How do I create the tile sub-datasets from the larger complete dataset? 


PS I'm happy to use a tool but I'd rather do it myself in an effort to learn how it's done.