I have a classified raster which has the desired symbology configured in ArcMap 10.2, and I want to apply this symbology to other similar rasters. So I use the Save option on the Symbology tab, intending to save a *.lyr file - but the only option is to create a Raster Function Template XML file. ![enter image description here][1] When I attempt to import this symbology back onto the same layer, the only option is to import a *.lyr file: ![enter image description here][2] This is preventing me from applying this saved symbology onto multiple layers. How can the symbology Save and Import functions show different options for the same layer? This sounds like a bug, but I'm hoping for some workarounds/suggestions. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/SCkOJ.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/Xq434.png