I used Alexandre Neto's script and updated it for ArcGIS 10.x users. Mainly you now have to import "arcpy" instead of "arcgisscripting":
# Script created to separate one shapefile in multiple ones by one specific
# attribute
# Example for a Inputfile called "my_shapefile" and a field called "my_attribute"
import arcpy
#Set Input Output variables
inputFile = u"D:\DXF-Export\my_shapefile.shp" #<-- CHANGE
outDir = u"D:\DXF-Export\\" #<-- CHANGE
# Reads My_shapefile for different values in the attribute
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFile)
row = rows.next()
attribute_types = set([])
while row:
attribute_types.add(row.my_attribute) #<-- CHANGE my_attribute to the name of your attribute
row = rows.next()
# Output a Shapefile for each different attribute
for each_attribute in attribute_types:
outSHP = outDir + each_attribute + u".shp"
print outSHP
arcpy.Select_analysis (inputFile, outSHP, "\"my_attribute\" = '" + each_attribute + "'") #<-- CHANGE my_attribute to the name of your attribute
del rows, row, attribute_types