I spent quite a bit of time looking on how to use the multiprocessing package, but couldn't find anything on how to use it inside a puglin in Qgis. I am developing a plugin that does some optimization for several elements. I would like to parallelize it.
I found a useful link on multi-threading inside a python plugin (http://snorf.net/blog/2013/12/07/multithreading-in-qgis-python-plugins/), but nothing on using the multiprocessing module, which might be easier?
I have been trying with a very basic example. I am only showing the run function from the plugin here:
def run(self):
"""Run method that performs all the real work"""
# show the dialog
# Run the dialog event loop
result = self.dlg.exec_()
# See if OK was pressed and run code
if result:
#Get number of cores
nProcs = mp.cpu_count()
#Start a Process
p = mp.Pool(nProcs)
#Define function
def cube(x):
return x**3
#Run parallel
results = p.map(cube, range(1,7))
When I run this code from the plugin in Qgis, it opens several Qgis windows, which then return errors (can't load layers, etc.). What am I missing? Do I need to start a worker first on another thread and then use multiprocessing there? Or whould we use another function from multiprocessing?
Please let me know if the question needs edits. I am working unser windows 7, using Qgis 2.10.