I am finding some methods that can provide simple output.
I found a useful method StandardDistance_stats in ARCGIS, but the result is not what i am looking for, I only need the result of a lat/lng point and the size of the circle in number form, so I can plot it to my web map.
Now I am using geomean in geosphere package, it gives the mean of lat/lng points but still missing the size of the circle.
Edit: I found a solution for it, but I am stuck in import R script into Java
d <- read.csv(file="./points.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
x <- d$lng
y <- d$lat
w <- d$weight
df <- data.frame(x,y)
mean = geomean(df,w)
.sdd <- function(t,mean) {
x <- t$lng
y <- t$lat
x <- x-mean[1]
y <- y-mean[2]
x <- x*x
y <- y*y
result <- (Reduce("+",x)/length(x))+ (Reduce("+",y)/length(y))
result <- sqrt(result)