I am using the georeferencer to align multiple Rasters. Out of 10 attempts 4 work well, and the other 6 seem to complete, but it places the raster in the middle of the ocean (always in the same place).
- select the target (correctly aligned) raster
- open georeferencer
- open the mis-aligned raster
- mark points on the mis-aligned raster using "from map canvas" and select same point on the target raster
- go into options and set the CRS to the same CRS as the target raster.
- run the georeferencer
Completes fine, layer is loaded, but not showing on map. When "zoom to layer" on the new layer, it places it out in the middle of the ocean - always the same extents.
All layers and raters loaded are in the same CRS. Under settings/options/crs I have it to set new layers to the correct/same CRS. The target and loaded (to be aligned) rasters are all the same CRS and located adjacent to each other.
Here is the metadata from one that worked correctly:
Driver GDAL provider GTiff GeoTIFF Dataset Description D:/Atlas/2017/Solana/Q1_2017/orthos/final/d2_flt2_aligned.tif AREA_OR_POINT=Area Band 1 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=8184 STATISTICS_MEAN=6417.1849122364 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=2864.6464188394 Band 2 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=255 STATISTICS_MEAN=212.74360670194 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=94.814437278534 Dimensions X: 1323 Y: 5068 Bands: 2 Origin 315336,3.64444e+06 Pixel Size 0.244643,-0.244643 No Data Value NoDataValue not set Data Type UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer Pyramid overviews Layer Spatial Reference System +proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs Layer Extent (layer original source projection) 315336.0186480708653107,3643195.5188297014683485 : 315659.6811249362654053,3644435.3687410801649094 Band Band 1 Band No 1 No Stats No stats collected yet Band Band 2 Band No 2 No Stats No stats collected yet
Here is the metadat from one that was placed in the ocean:
Driver GDAL provider GTiff GeoTIFF Dataset Description D:/************a_aligned.tif AREA_OR_POINT=Area Band 1 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=8508 STATISTICS_MEAN=1457.6642209972 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=2982.9951333815 Band 2 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=255 STATISTICS_MEAN=49.187032723175 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=100.61475615584 Dimensions X: 6540 Y: 6130 Bands: 2 Origin -1.25767e+07,3.88515e+06 Pixel Size 0.282878,-0.282878 No Data Value NoDataValue not set Data Type UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer Pyramid overviews Layer Spatial Reference System +proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs Layer Extent (layer original source projection) -12576677.7759907748550177,3883415.9359119967557490 : -12574827.7554864250123501,3885149.9765376332215965 Band Band 1 Band No 1 No Stats No stats collected yet Band Band 2 Band No 2 No Stats No stats collected yet