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Dynamic labels between points, along lines

I want to label a set of lines, with the name of the points that come before and after the line segment.

Red labels in the example below indicate what I want to end up with: Example result

What I have:

  • A point dataset containing all of the points. Each point has a letter code (one or two letters), and has a line name.
  • A line dataset, made from the point dataset. As Line Field, in the Points to line tool, I used the lane names. In the example, this is "Line 1" and "Line 2".

Further details:
I want to have labels along each line segment, that refers to its start and end point. In the example, the first segment starts in A and ends in B, and is therefore labeled "A-B". Similarly, in line 2, the segment that starts in BY and ends in BZ is labeled "BY-BZ".

Preferably I would like the labels to repeat when zoomed in, so that they always show which line segment is visible.

Is this possible to solve in ArcGIS 10.4? I have all extensions available, if that matters.