If you need to get the fields of a layer you can use QgsVectorLayer::pendingFields()
in Python like so:
fields = layer.pendingFields()
which will give you something like this:
{0: <qgis.core.QgsField object at 0x46d9d40>,
1: <qgis.core.QgsField object at 0x46d9b00>,
2: <qgis.core.QgsField object at 0x46d9cb0>,
3: <qgis.core.QgsField object at 0x46d9ef0>,
4: <qgis.core.QgsField object at 0x46d9dd0>}
Which you can then go though get the name, data type, and length:
for field in fields.itervalues():
print "Name:%s Type:%s, Length:%s" % ( field.name(), field.typeName(), field.length())
Name:Seg_Par Type:String, Length:10
Name:Lot_num Type:String, Length:5
Name:Plan_num Type:String, Length:10
Name:Tenure Type:String, Length:2
Name:Area_ha Type:Real, Length:14