I found a couple of good answers like here for example, but I do not manage to adapt them and make them work...
What i am trying to do: take the input, create new output with same fields, add a new field with values calculated from another field. For the moment, I managed to get the new values for the new field in a list:
from collections import Counter as counter
layer = qgis.utils.iface.activeLayer()
features = layer.getFeatures()
# find the index of the 'relict_id' field.
idx = layer.fieldNameIndex('RELICT_ID')
relict_id = []
for feat in features:
attrs = feat.attributes()
relict_id_new = [x for x in relict_id]
c = counter(relict_id)
idx = 0
while idx in range(len(relict_id)):
rel_id = relict_id[idx]
if c[rel_id] != 1:
for x in range(c[rel_id]):
relict_id_new[idx+x] = '{}_{}'.format(relict_id[idx],x)
idx += c[rel_id]
idx +=1
I would like now to adapt this answer, but all I get is a bunch of errors. I tried to get rid off Processings since it does not seem to work for me (QGIS 2.18.2). I am not understanding pretty well the implication of the processes, I do not know if it is the good way to do it and what are the problems.