The S2 Geometry library is complex, but for your needs you can use a partial implementation, as some Javascript port.
You can use NodeJS installing the s2-geometry package (e. g. by npm install s2-geometry
), or this CDN link for HTML pages.
Short answer
Use the S2.latLngToKey(lat,lon,level)
to obtain YourCoolValue of your point
var vals = [
S2.latLngToKey(48.669, -4.329, 20), // reference
S2.latLngToKey(48.668, -4.330, 20), // near
S2.latLngToKey(49, -4.3, 20) // far
The key like a base4 Geohash or a tile-quadkey. It is a string with the face
of the S2 Cube and face_pos
, the hierarchical position (base4) of the cell in the hierarchical (Hilbert) grid. The result of this example is
[ '2/10002200003102120322',
'2/10002130111010302012' ]
Where you can see same big prefix for two near points, 2/100022000031
and only little prefix when the points are not near, 2/10002
About the distance that the commom prefix represents, check the S2 cell Statistics: level 13 seems adequate for check 1km, that is the 13-digits
[ '2/1000220000310',
'2/1000213011101' ]
I done my tests using the Javascript S2 geometry library, and starting with a sample of well-known places, obtained by this Wikidata-query:
Group QID Name latitude longitude
A1 Q178114 Washington Monument 38.88948 -77.035244
A2 Q17300119 Josephine Shaw Fountain 40.754 -73.9841
A3 Q1060845 Delacorte Theater 40.7801 -73.968767
A3 Q160409 Central Park 40.7825 -73.966111
A3 Q19473784 Alexander Hamilton 40.781028 -73.964556
B Q208760 Merlion 1.2870222 103.854689
B Q6819812 Merlion Park 1.28683 103.855
Note: to add other objects or check more details use QID. For instance the first sample have QID=178114
so you can check details with
Complete Javascript code, with sample data and illustrating options for encoding:
'use strict';
var S2 = require('s2-geometry').S2; // this line for NodeJS
var geosamples= [
{"g":"A1","item":"Q178114", "iso3166":"US","lat":"38.889475","lon":"-77.035244444","name":"Washington Monument"},
{"g":"A2","item":"Q17300119","iso3166":"US","lat":"40.754","lon":"-73.9841","name":"Josephine Shaw Lowell Memorial Fountain"},
{"g":"A3","item":"Q1060845", "iso3166":"US","lat":"40.7801","lon":"-73.968766666","name":"Delacorte Theater"},
{"g":"A3","item":"Q160409", "iso3166":"US","lat":"40.7825","lon":"-73.966111111","name":"Central Park"},
{"g":"A3","item":"Q19473784","iso3166":"US","lat":"40.781027777","lon":"-73.964555555","name":"Alexander Hamilton"},
{"g":"B", "item":"Q208760", "iso3166":"SG","lat":"1.287022222","lon":"103.854688888","name":"Merlion"},
{"g":"B", "item":"Q6819812", "iso3166":"SG","lat":"1.28683","lon":"103.855","name":"Merlion Park"}
function show(level=13) {
console.log("--- Level ",level)
let face,face_pos;
let j=1
for (const i of geosamples) {
var key = S2.latLngToKey(, i.lon, level); // base4 hiearchy
let id = BigInt( S2.keyToId(key) ); // Cell ID is a 64 bits integer
let idHex = id.toString(16) // compact human-readable complete code
console.log(i.g+"\t"+j,,12)+":\t" + idHex+"\t" key);
g Sample Cell_id_base16 Face/Key
--- Level 13
A1 1 Washington M: 89b7b7a400000000 4/1031233123310
A2 2 Josephine Sh: 89c259ac00000000 4/1032010230311
A3 3 Delacorte Th: 89c2589400000000 4/1032010230102
A3 4 Central Park: 89c2589c00000000 4/1032010230103
A3 5 Alexander Ha: 89c2589400000000 4/1032010230102
B 6 Merlion: 31da190c00000000 1/2032310030201
B 7 Merlion Park: 31da190c00000000 1/2032310030201
--- Level 20
A1 1 Washington M: 89b7b7a1bdf00000 4/10312331233100313233
A2 2 Josephine Sh: 89c259aa96100000 4/10320102303111102300
A3 3 Delacorte Th: 89c25891ac900000 4/10320102301020311210
A3 4 Central Park: 89c2589a08900000 4/10320102301031001010
A3 5 Alexander Ha: 89c2589747d00000 4/10320102301023220332
B 6 Merlion: 31da19085c300000 1/20323100302010023201
B 7 Merlion Park: 31da190860700000 1/20323100302010030003
The column Cell_id_base16
is the standard representation of the S2 Geometry Cell ID, the internally is a 64 bits unsigned integer.
You can use as geocode (said "MyCoolValue" in the question) any one, the Cell_id_base16
or the Face/Key
Cell ID and cell Key have the same information, but ID mix the face information, and Key is the pure cell position.
Complete answer
The main advantage of S2 Geometry over Geohash is uniformity, the (near) constant shape and area of the S2 Geometry cells. A grid of equal-area is very important in statistics and another applications, see this Open Geospatial Consortium standard about the theme.
There are some (minor) advantages of Hilbert curve (S2) over Z-order curve (Geohash), but no one is perfect... S2 Geometry indexation system is not oriented to human-readable codes, if the prefix of to cells are not the same, it is not guaranteen (!). There are a chance that the points are neighbors and its keys very different.
For application where you need 100% reliable result, use also the functions like GetEdgeNeighbors()
of the s2-geometry package.
Suggestion for base16 encoding
About convert "Face/Key" to hexadecimal, is possible for example convert the base4 10002200
to hexa 40a0
, but base4 with more one digit will result in entirely different (or invalid) hexadecimal; for example 100022003
results in 102801
... To avoid this problem, an extra digit must be added by a extend base16 algorithm.
function base4_to_base16(str) {
const tr = {"0":"00","1":"01","2":"10","3":"11"}
let strBin=''
for(let i of str.split('')) strBin += tr[i]
return BigInt('0b'+strBin).toString(16)
function base4_to_base16h(str) {
const tr = {"0":"J","1":"K","2":"L","3":"M"}
let len = str.length
if (len % 2 == 0)
return base4_to_base16(str);
let h = base4_to_base16( str.slice(0,-1) ) // cut last
return h+tr[ str.slice(-1) ]
var key = S2.latLngToKey(, i.lon, level);
[face,face_pos] = key.split('/');
keyHex = face+base4_to_base16h(face_pos)
Comparative results
g Sample Face/Key = keyHex bugKey
--- Level 18
A1 1 Washington M: 4/103123312331003132 = 44dbdbd0de 4dbdbd0de
A2 2 Josephine Sh: 4/103201023031111023 = 44e12cd54b 4e12cd54b
A3 3 Delacorte Th: 4/103201023010203112 = 44e12c48d6 4e12c48d6
A3 4 Central Park: 4/103201023010310010 = 44e12c4d04 4e12c4d04
A3 5 Alexander Ha: 4/103201023010232203 = 44e12c4ba3 4e12c4ba3
B 6 Merlion: 1/203231003020100232 = 18ed0c842e 8ed0c842e
B 7 Merlion Park: 1/203231003020100300 = 18ed0c8430 8ed0c8430
--- Level 19 (compare bugKey here!)
A1 1 Washington M: 4/1031233123310031323 = 44dbdbd0deM 136f6f437b
A2 2 Josephine Sh: 4/1032010230311110230 = 44e12cd54bJ 1384b3552c
A3 3 Delacorte Th: 4/1032010230102031121 = 44e12c48d6K 1384b12359
A3 4 Central Park: 4/1032010230103100101 = 44e12c4d04K 1384b13411
A3 5 Alexander Ha: 4/1032010230102322033 = 44e12c4ba3M 1384b12e8f
B 6 Merlion: 1/2032310030201002320 = 18ed0c842eJ 23b43210b8
B 7 Merlion Park: 1/2032310030201003000 = 18ed0c8430J 23b43210c0
--- Level 22
A1 1 Washington M: 4/1031233123310031323331 = 44dbdbd0defd 4dbdbd0defd
A2 2 Josephine Sh: 4/1032010230311110230000 = 44e12cd54b00 4e12cd54b00
A3 3 Delacorte Th: 4/1032010230102031121011 = 44e12c48d645 4e12c48d645
A3 4 Central Park: 4/1032010230103100101000 = 44e12c4d0440 4e12c4d0440
A3 5 Alexander Ha: 4/1032010230102322033211 = 44e12c4ba3e5 4e12c4ba3e5
B 6 Merlion: 1/2032310030201002320132 = 18ed0c842e1e 8ed0c842e1e
B 7 Merlion Park: 1/2032310030201003000332 = 18ed0c84303e 8ed0c84303e