I'm trying to combine the following Esri samples, to end up with the ability to create buffers based on a variable radius, that will then query data within the buffer zone. https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/jssamples/util_buffergraphic.html https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/jssamples/query_buffer.html I'm new to JS so I'm not sure if I'm on the right lines or not, but using the query_buffer as a template in my latest attempt, I'd thought that adding inputs for the distance and units to the HTML, then replacing the radius and radiusUnit values in the JS with this, would work. //when the map is clicked create a buffer around the click point of the specified distance. map.on("click", function(evt){ circle = new Circle({ center: evt.mapPoint, geodesic: true, radius: dom.byId("distance").vlaue, radiusUnit: dom.byId("unit").value }); map.graphics.clear(); map.infoWindow.hide(); var graphic = new Graphic(circle, circleSymb); map.graphics.add(graphic); ---------------- <body> <span id="messages">Click on the map to select census block points within buffer.</span> <div><b>Buffer Parameters: </b> Distance: <input type="number" id="distance" size="5" value=1 /> <select id="unit" style="width:100px;"> <option value="esriMiles">Miles</option> <option value="esriFeet">Feet</option> <option value="esriKilometers">Kilometres</option> <option value="esriMeters">Metres</option> </select><br /></div> <div id="mapDiv"></div> </body> However, when testing this, it doesn't seem to be picking up the radius values, and won't draw the buffer. Any ideas?