Attempting to gather MODIS aerosol data for a number of different AERONET stations in the UK to plot against one another. However, due to the number of files (upwards of 2000), QGIS and ArcMap crash. I have attempted to find a solution within RSGISLib, whereby I extract a raster to .csv via a defined vector but keep getting the following: > ERROR 1: Attempt to read shape with feature id (1) out of available > range. Segmentation fault I have seen a method to extract to a .csv using r, however, I would prefer for this to be done within python. Is there a way? import rsgislib from rsgislib import zonalstats import glob inputimage = '/home/student/Desktop/Ben_Folder/Test2/test.kea' inputvector = '/home/student/Desktop/Ben_Folder/AERONET_POINTS/Chilbolton.shp' outputtxt = 'test.csv' useBandNames = False zonalstats.pointValue2TXT(inputimage, inputvector, outputtxt, useBandNames)