I have read a NetCDF file using the netCDF4
library and then read one of its datasets ("Evapotranspiration") into a variable (variable contains array) using the following code. Subsequently now I am trying to convert this array into a GeoTIFF file using rasterio
. However, the resulting GeoTIFF is appearing to be rotated by 90 Degrees when I am opening it in QGIS. Following is my code:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import rasterio
from rasterio.transform import from_origin
nc = Dataset(r'D:\Weather data\et_01012018.nc','r')
lat = nc.variables['latitude'][:]
lon = nc.variables['longitude'][:]
et = nc.variables['Evapotranspiration'][:]
transform = from_origin(68.175 , 37.025 , 0.05, 0.05)
profile = {'driver': 'GTiff', 'height': et.shape[1], 'width': et.shape[0], 'count': 1, 'dtype': str(et.dtype), 'transform': transform}
with rasterio.open(r'D:\Weather data\test.tif', 'w', crs='EPSG:4326', **profile) as dst: