I Think you can use Arcade to create an expression.
I dont really know what im doing. Just pasted the code from: VxCount = !shape!.pointcount fuction in AGOL.
Function CountVertices(geom) {
var cnt_vertices = Null;
var geom_type = TypeOf(geom);
if (geom_type == "Point") {
cnt_vertices = 1;
} else if (geom_type == "Multipoint") {
cnt_vertices = Count(geom.points);
} else if (geom_type == "Polyline") {
var cnt_line = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < Count(geom.paths); i++) {
cnt_line += Count(geom.paths[i]);
cnt_vertices = cnt_line;
} else if (geom_type == "Polygon") {
var cnt_pol = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < Count(geom.rings); i++) {
cnt_pol += Count(geom.rings[i]);
cnt_vertices = cnt_pol;
} else {
// this should not happen...
return cnt_vertices;
return CountVertices(Geometry($feature))
Some if statements at the end might solve your problem. Or use modulus to get two symbols, one for even numbers and one for odd.