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Connecting Street lines to Speed Profiles for Network Analyst

I am creating a network dataset with speed profiles. I have a unique connection between the two where Link_PVID and OLD_FEAT_ID have a unique connection between the two. But it seems that the Patterns needs to have the OBJECTID from the streets as per

I get the following error for all streets

SourceName: Speed_Patterns, ObjectID: 102184814, Network edge not found with positions 0.000000 to 1.000000
SourceName: Speed_Patterns, ObjectID: 102184814, Network edge not found with positions 0.000000 to 1.000000

Unfortunately both datasets didn't have a common OBJECTID at any point.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Is there anyway to get Network Analyst to use these 2 fields to connect rather than the objectid? and if not how can update the objectID field manually. For example I can join the speed patterns to the streets using the linked field and then get the objectid of the street and push that into the ObjectID of the Patterns but this is probably not possible as it's automatically created with a gdb.

I have tried replacing the EdgeFID with the ObjectID from the streets but this doesn't build the traffic into network.

I have also tried going back to using the tables from the ESRI San Diego Exercise 10 and replacing some sample values but still have the same issues with the error SourceName: Streets_Patterns, ObjectID: 2, Network edge not found with positions 0.000000 to 1.000000

I have also tried naming every table to be the same as the exercise.


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