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For this I have converted my csv file to xlsx file as xlrd does not take csv. Download these: pip install pandas pip install openpyxl

    read_file = pd.read_csv(r"path where your csv file is stored/Details.csv")
    read_file.to_excel(r"path where you want to store xlsx/Details.xlsx", index=None, header=True)

    self.anomaly_details = xlrd.open_workbook("./appData/Details.xlsx")
    self.sheet = self.anomaly_details.sheet_by_index(0) = [
        [self.sheet.cell_value(r, c) for c in range(self.sheet.ncols)]
        for r in range(self.sheet.nrows)
    # print(
        self.sheet.nrows - 1
    )  # same no.of rows as of csv file
    for row, columnvalues in enumerate(
        for column, value in enumerate(columnvalues):
            self.item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(
            )  # str is to also display the integer values
            self.alarm_tableWidget.setItem(row - 1, column, self.item)
            # to set the elements read only