I am interested in the `terra` R package as it appears to be a successor to the `raster` package that is being more actively developed than the `raster` package. But it seems like some features are missing.

For example I have an aggregated National Landcover Dataset raster in .GRD format.

If I call `x <- raster::raster('nlcd_agg.grd')` the resulting object has a slot `x@data@attributes` with the raster attribute table that includes the names of the land cover types corresponding to the integer values in the raster. 

However if I call `x <- terra::rast('nlcd_agg.grd')` I cannot find that attribute table in the object nor do I see how to associate the object `x` with the attribute table of the raster. 

I would like to be able to load the raster and have the associated attribute table with land cover type names and default plotting colors load as well. I understand that .GRD is a native format for the `raster` package but is there some way to achieve this with the `terra` or `stars` packages?

Here are two small files that can replicate the behavior (`nlcd_agg.grd` and the associated `nlcd_agg.gri`):

- [nlcd_agg.grd (Dropbox)](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifhwwt7zqu0pp8b/nlcd_agg.grd?dl=0)
- [nlcd_agg.gri (Dropbox)](https://www.dropbox.com/s/s68ewb7odz74z75/nlcd_agg.gri?dl=0)