I would like to read EXIF of my JPG images into QGIS.

So, I use pluggin "ImportPhotos" : it creates a point for every image composed by **some** EXIF datas....

I've noticed few issues when using "Identify Features" tools from Attributes toolbar:

* Time = NULL
* North = NULL
* Azimuth = NULL

**About the field TIME** : While in the table attributes if I use "the form view" results are the same BUT if I use "the table view" then, the field Time if well fit. I can read a value like "10:36:53.000" in this field.

**About the fields North & Azimuth :** I also use the tool Exiftool.exe and I've noticed that the fields I need "North & Azimuth" are in fact into the metadata of the file under the names: "GimbalYawDegree" and "FlightYawDegree".

**My questions are:**

 1) How can I fix this fields to write these datas into the well field? 

 2) Is there a way to import news EXIFS datas (like GimbalPitchDegree, or Relative Altitude) into news attributes fields ?

I can already read EXIF (thanks @Jhon Galindo ) with https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764932/in-python-how-do-i-read-the-exif-data-for-an-image 

    import PIL.Image
    img = PIL.Image.open('img.jpg')
    exif_data = img._getexif()

Now I have to build the second part: importing these datas into as attributes for every features (image imported by ImportPhotos) in a layer but I have 0 knowledge in Python at the moment. This is my first experience.