As presented in a [talk at FOSS4G][1] Mapbox Studio allows to create Mapbox vector tiles and export them as a `.mbtiles` file. The [mapbox-gl.js][2] library can be used to dynamically style and render Mapbox vector tiles on client (browser) side. The missing part: How can I self-host Mapbox vector tiles (`.mbtiles`) so that I can consume them with mapbox-gl.js? Note: I know that Mapbox Studio can upload the vector tiles to the Mapbox server and let it host the tiles. But that's no option for me, I want to host the vector tiles on my own server. **Edit3: The TileStream approach below turned out to be a dead end. See my answer for a working solution with Tilelive.** **Edit:** I tried [TileStream][3] which can serve image tiles out of `.mbtiles` files: My webpage uses mapbox-gl v0.4.0: <link href='' rel='stylesheet' /> <script src=''></script> and it creates a mapboxgl.Map in a JavaScript script: var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', center: [46.8104, 8.2452], zoom: 9, style: 'c.json' }); The `c.json` style file configures the vector tile source: { "version": 6, "sprite": "", "glyphs": "mapbox://fontstack/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", "constants": { "@land": "#808080", "@earth": "#805040", "@water": "#a0c8f0", "@road": "#000000" }, "sources": { "osm_roads": { "type": "vector", "url": "tile.json" } }, "layers": [{ "id": "background", "type": "background", "paint": { "background-color": "@land" } }, { "id": "roads", "type": "line", "source": "osm_roads", "source-layer": "roads", "paint": { "line-color": "@road" } }] } ... with the following TileJSON specification in `tile.json`: { "tilejson": "2.1.0", "tiles": [ "http://localhost:8888/v2/osm_roads/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" ], "minzoom": 0, "maxzoom": 12 } ... which points to my TileStream server running at `localhost:8888`. TileStream has been started with: node index.js start --tiles="..\tiles" ... where the `..\tiles` folder contains my `osm_roads.mbtiles` file. With this setup, I can open my webpage but only see the background layer. In the browser network trace I can see that tiles are indeed loaded when I zoom in, but the browser JavaScript error console contains several errors of the form Error: Invalid UTF-8 codepoint: 160 in mapbox-gl.js:7 Since vector tiles are not `.png` images but rather ProtoBuf files, the tiles URL `http://localhost:8888/v2/osm_roads/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf` would actually make more sense, but that doesn't work. Any ideas? **Edit 2: Added link to TileStream** [1]: [2]: [3]: