I need to make a script that processes a NetCDF file that contains 3 days of hourly forecast data from the norwegian meteorological office.

1)The NetCDF file contains various data i need (Precipitation,Tmperature,Wind etc).

2)The Netcdf file covers a huge area (all scandinavia + baltic countries), while I will need just a rectangle that covers a smaller region.

3)The NetCDF file is in a lambert projection while i will need to project it into WGS84 UTM 32N.

4) Also i will need to resample from 2.5km (forecast inputs) to 1km(output) grid cells.

So I would like to ask you how to extract with GDAL in Python in a fast way the rasters from the netcdf already clipping the initial domain to the desired subdomain. I will need to batch prcess this so that i can get for example all of the precipitation raster, hours by hour, out of the three days forecast.

I managed to do this already with ArcPy, but the process was too slow since for every hour timestep i needed to extract one by one the huge rasters, and only then could i clip them down.

Maybe in GDAL there is a way to first clip at once the whole netcdf and then continue the processing with a smaller netcdf?