The clue is building the SpatialLines object later, once you have a list of `Lines` objects. The ID MUST be unique, otherwise all you `Lines` objects will have the same ID, and `SpatialLines` will through an error. I prepared this example code to illustrate: library(sp) library(raster) # need a raster to generate fake data library(dismo) # I'm using the "randomPoints" function from dismo # first we need a canvas # we can start with an arbitrary extent ext <- extent(-20,10,-10,0) r <- raster(ext) # this is our raster object r[] <- 1 # let's fill it up with 1's indiv <- LETTERS[1:5] # let's say we have 5 individuals with data df <- data.frame() # we are generating 10 random points per "individual" for (i in 1:5) df <- rbind(df,randomPoints(r, 10)) # you will get a warning about the projection, ignore that. # with this we can generate a SpatialPointsDataFrame spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame( coords=as.matrix(df), data=data.frame(ind=sort(rep(indiv,10)))) # now we loop for each individual # and store "Lines" objects in a list trajectories <- list() for (i in 1:length(indiv)) trajectories[[i]] <- Lines(list(Line(subset(spdf, ind == indiv[i]))), ID=paste(i)) # pay close attention on how the Lines structure must be structured: # Lines(list(Line(spdf)), ID="unique string") # then we simply transform our trajectories list to SpatialLines splo <- SpatialLines(trajectories) You can the visualize the data like this: image(r) plot(splo, add=T, col=rainbow(5)) plot(spdf, add=T, pch=16, col=rainbow(5)[ spdf$ind ]) [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: