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How do I represent the whole Earth as a Polygon?

This is related to determining the interior of a Polygon.

My difficulty is that if I specify a Polygon covering the Earth going from East to West, it will still have a boundary along the antemeridian, which would show up in azimuthal projections. For example, in GeoJSON:

  "type": "Polygon",
  "coordinates": [
    [[-180, -90], [-180, 90], [180, 90], [180, -90], [-180, -90]]

Is there a standard way to specify a whole-sphere Polygon, with no boundary?

I've thought about using an empty exterior ring:

  "type": "Polygon",
  "coordinates": [

The logic being that I could specify further rings as holes to be punched into the whole-sphere Polygon.

Unfortunately, GeoJSON stipulates that LinearRings must have at least 4 points, so this would be straying from the specification. However, I'm still interested in understanding whether this approach is taken anywhere else.