I'm trying to use v.generalize in the GRASS GIS library within a python code in PyCharm on my Linux Ubuntu system to make a shapefile that originally was a raster look less "blocky" by simplifying its geometries.
I installed grass and grass.script via the terminal in PyCharm by running pip install grass and pip install grass.script. However, when I try to import grass.script into my code and run it, I get the error: "No module named grass.script."
How do I get grass to work within PyCharm? My code is below.
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import geopandas
import grass.script as grass
file_path = input('Enter file path to the folder containing your categorized tifs: ')
while not os.path.isdir(file_path):
file_path = input("\nThe path you have entered does not exist. Please try again: ")
mask = input("Input shp to use as mask: ")
while not os.path.isfile(mask):
mask = input("\nThe file you have entered does not exist. Please try again: ")
mask = geopandas.read_file(mask)
for f in glob.glob(file_path + "*.tif"):
out_file = f[:-4] + ".shp"
in_file = os.path.join(file_path, f)
cmdline = ['gdal_polygonize.py', in_file, out_file]
out_file = geopandas.read_file(out_file)
clipped = geopandas.clip(out_file, mask)
# clipped.to_file(f[:-4] + '_clipped.shp')
generalized_out = (f[:-4] + "_generalized.shp")
cmdline2 = grass.run_command('v.generalize', input=clipped, method='chaiken', threshold=0.1, output=generalized_out)