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Flipping line that touches certain points using ArcPy

I have a layer of points and a layer of lines (shapefiles), that have been split so the lines have 2 vertices.

If a line touches one of the points I need to change the direction of the line, I have seen several codes but I have not been able to actually flip my lines although I am sure most lines are touching the points. This code runs without error but it does nothing.

I am using ArcMap 10.6.1.

points = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(layerP, "SHAPE@") as p_cur:
    for row in p_cur:

lines_to_flip = []
sr = arcpy.Describe(layerD).spatialReference
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(layerD, ['OID@', 'SHAPE@']) as dropCursor:
    for dropRow in dropCursor:
        print str(dropRow[0])
        shpLine = dropRow[1]      
        shpLinePart = shpLine.getPart(0)
        first_point = shpLine.firstPoint
        last_point = shpLine.lastPoint
        for pt in points:
            if pt == first_point: # or pt == last_point:
                for i in range(len(shpLinePart)): rPnts.append(shpLinePart[len(shpLinePart)-i-1])
                rPoly =arcpy.Polyline(rPnts)
                dropRow[1].shape= rPoly
                print "Updated"
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