I have been georeferencing Vector files (gpkg and shp) in the new Georeferencer in QGIS 3.30.1. The files are pretty large, have multiple million features and a size of roughly 2-3gb.
I have successfully georeferenced 2 of those files with no issues in the georeferencer, but when attempting to georef 2 additional files (which have been created through the exact same process and model) I got this error:
OGR Driver error: not found (OGR:
I have tried a lot of things, including:
Trying different georef algorithms, repairing the geometries, trying to georef them as shapefiles, running QGIS on a different machine, completely reinstalling and installing the newest version of QGIS
but to no avail.
I still cannot georeference them. This is especially puzzling since with the other two files (created equally and of actually bigger size) i had 0 problems.
If you have any insight on where this error comes from, if it is related to the files themselves or rather the nature of QGIS and OGR i would be enormously thankful!