I am having a very frustrating problem in ArcMap. (This is all within the one enterprise geodatabase.)
I am trying to copy and paste a feature from one layer to another (similar layers). I have been following the Esri guide https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/manage-data/creating-new-features/copying-and-pasting-features.htm#:~:text=Note%3A%201%20Click%20the%20Edit%20tool%20on%20the,pasted%20feature.%20...%206%20Click%20OK%20.%20 on how to and found the same answer on here. (I would have commented on the answer, but I do not have enough reputation, so I need to ask a new question) https://learn.arcgis.com/en/projects/copy-features-between-layers/ Copying features from one layer into different layer using ArcGIS for Desktop? - same problem)
The issue is that it says it will past into the new layer, after pasting it is in the new layer while selected. BUT when I clear selection the copied feature returns to the layer of the original feature.
I do not know what I am doing wrong. It is probably something simple. I have restarted my computer 3x so far.