I've just used osm2pgsql to import osm data to a pgsql database, using lat long option to store it in WGS84 projection, however i would like to use ST_Dwithin to select nodes close to a random point, and for some reason when i try that directly on the WGS84 data it will return wrong results, but will work if i reproject it in web mercator, what am i missing to avoid the reprojection? select ST_AsText(way), ST_X(ST_AsText(way)) as X, ST_Y(ST_AsText(way)) as Y, railway from planet_osm_point where railway IS NOT NULL and ST_DWithin(ST_Transform(way,3785),ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID( ST_MakePoint(-1.631560, 48.107485), 4326),3785), 500) limit 1000 [![Mercator projection output][1]][1] select ST_AsText(way), ST_X(ST_AsText(way)) as X, ST_Y(ST_AsText(way)) as Y, railway from planet_osm_point where railway IS NOT NULL and ST_DWithin(way,ST_SetSRID( ST_MakePoint(-1.631560, 48.107485), 4326), 500) limit 1000 [![WGS84 projection output][2]][2] As you can see the outputs from WGS84 projection aren't even close to the point i'm lookin at, and i can't figure out why when i am using the same geometry type for st_DWIthin, is there a step i'm missing? (also i am not showing all of the results here, the mercator projection gets me about 154 results, while WGS84 projection goes beyond 1000) [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/7sJxi.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/Fdhu7.png