Taking as hypothesis that:

* city.geom is in EPSG:4326
* lat, lng in pets table can also be taken as EPSG:4326
* That you want to sum the number of cats and dogs that are in each geometry of the table city
* That the geoms in table city do not overlap or if overlaps you don't care to count two times the pets
* city has a pk called gid

The query that must be built should take the following into account:

Convert lat,lng coordinates into postgis geometries in 4326

    SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lng, lat), 4326) FROM pets;
The you must build a query that sums the cats and dogs on each geom:

    SELECT gid, sum(cats), sum(dogs) FROM city c, pets_with_geom p WHERE ST_Within(p.geom, c.geom) GROUP BY c.gid

To build the full query we use a CTE

    WITH pets_with_geom AS(
      SELECT cats, dogs, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lng, lat), 4326) as geom FROM pets
    SELECT gid, sum(cats), sum(dogs) FROM city c, pets_with_geom p WHERE ST_Within(p.geom, c.geom) GROUP BY c.gid

Note: I can't check the query right now, so it can contain errors.